
Онлайн-семинар "Human-Сentered Networking"

Среда, 8 декабря 2021     

Уважаемые коллеги,
8 декабря в 19:00 МСК в рамках консорциума "Сетевые и облачные технологии" состоится online-семинар от https://networkingchannel.eu

Тема: "Human-Сentered Networking"


  • Jim Kurose – Professor of College of Information and
    Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

Engineers and computer scientists often isolate technical problems away from the human and societal context in which they exist. In this panel we will hear from experts in the intersection of networking and people about interesting problems, notable accomplishments, and methods needed to work in this interdisciplinary space.
