
Онлайн-семинар "Network Datasets: what exists, and what are the problems?"

Уважаемые коллеги,
в среду 30 марта в 19:00 МСК в рамках консорциума "Сетевые и облачные технологии" состоится online-семинар от https://networkingchannel.eu

Тема: "Network Datasets: what exists, and what are the problems?"


  • Christophe Diot – Principal Engineer at Network Operations team, Google
  • Jim Kurose – Professor of College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

Public datasets of network measurements have been created and made available for several decades. These datasets are interest to networking researchers (who are interested in workloads, topologies, and other characteristics of deployed networks in/across the backbone, access, home and mobile networks), students who want to learn what “real” networks look, policy makers, and more.

This NetworkingChannel event has two parts. The first part, we’ll identify and discuss public datasets of interest and their use. In the second part, we’ll identify some of the challenges of working with such datasets (including the difficulty of analyzing/comparing data longitudinally, the “ageing” of data) and the challenges of obtaining industry data (which may have significant commercial and proprietary value) and solutions to that challenge, such as benchmarks and workload models.


Также доступна видеозапись прошлого семинара на тему "Open Educational resources for teaching and learning networking".