
Онлайн-семинар "End-to-End Network Programmability with P4"

Уважаемые коллеги,
в среду 13 апреля в 18:00 МСК в рамках консорциума "Сетевые и облачные технологии" состоится online-семинар от https://networkingchannel.eu

Тема: "Network Datasets: what exists, and what are the problems?"

  • Nate Foster – Professor Computer Science, Cornell University
  • Nick McKeown –SVP/GM and Senior Fellow, Network and Edge Group at Intel, Professor at Stanford University
  • Jennifer Rexford – Professor of the Computer Science Department at Princeton University


  • Costin Raicu – Professor of Networking and Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest
  • Georgios Nikolaidis –Software Engineer at Intel
  • Minlan Yu – Professor at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science


  • Christophe Diot – Principal Engineer at Network Operations team, Google
  • Jim Kurose – Professor of College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
