
Онлайн-семинар "Supercomputing Software for Moore and Beyond"

Уважаемые коллеги,
в среду 15 февраля в 17:00 МСК в рамках консорциума "Сетевые и облачные технологии" состоится онлайн-семинар от группы SIAG/Supercomputing
Семинар является одним из серии семинаров "Supercomputing Spotlights". Supercomputing Spotlights - это новая серия вебинаров с короткими презентациями, в которых рассказывается о влиянии и успехах высокопроизводительных вычислений (High-Performance Computing - HPC) во всем мире. Презентации, подчеркивают достижения и возможности в области HPC, предназначены для широкого международного сообщества, особенно студентов и новичков в этой области. Supercomputing Spotlights - это информационно-пропагандистская инициатива группы SIAG/Supercomputing … Присоединяйтесь к нам!

Тема: "Supercomputing Software for Moore and Beyond"

Докладчик: Дидем Унат, Университет Коч, Турция


Thanks to the predictable trend of Moore’s Law during the past decades, supercomputers have shown great performance increases, opening the doors for incredible innovations and discoveries. However, due to unavoidable limits in chip manufacturing and rising energy consumption, the techno-economical model of Moore’s Law is (arguably) ending, stagnating the growth of computing and thus supercomputers. Regardless of the pessimism around Moore’s Law, as a community, we need to prepare our applications for what’s there and what’s upcoming. The arithmetic processing capabilities and complexity of systems continue to increase as multicore and accelerators are added to systems. Moreover, the improvement rates of both memory bandwidth and latency are much slower than that of the computing power, and the Post-Moore era makes data locality even more important. These trends urgently call for innovative software solutions to improve the usability and efficiency of supercomputers, and require doubling software efforts for more data locality-aware and seamless cooperation on both existing and emerging architectures. In this talk, I will explain the history of supercomputing in the context of data locality, our community efforts in the PADAL-series of workshops, and how we have shifted over the years from compute-centric to more data locality-centric programming.
