Dissertation Council

JINR.05.01.2022.P — Dissertation Council for IT and Computational Physics

From 1 September 2019, instead of dissertation councils functioning in the system of Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Russian Federation, JINR dissertation councils operating on the grounds of the right of independent awarding of academic degrees are opening. Dissertation Council JINR.05.01.2019.P operating on a permanent basis under LIT. LIT Dissertation Council is allowed to conduct the defense of dissertations for degrees of of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in the following specialties:
  • 05.13.11 — Mathematical and software support of computers, complexes and computer networks in Physics and Mathematics and Technical Sciences
  • 05.13.18 — Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages in Physics and Mathematics.
Due to the transition of JINR dissertation Councils to work from 30.08.2022 according to the new nomenclature (list of new specialties and their ciphers), currently the LIT Dissertation Council is working according to Order No. 778 of 29.08.2022 on new specialties:
  • 1.2.2 — Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages in Physics and Mathematics
  • 2.3.5 — Mathematical and software for computing systems, complexes and networks in Technical Sciences.

Dissertation Council Chairpersons:


Vladimir Korenkov
DrSc (Technical Sciences)
2.3.5, Technical Sciences

Deputy Chairperson:

Alexander Gusev
DrSc (Physics & Mathematics)
1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics

Deputy Chairperson:

Sergei Smatov
DrSc (Physics & Mathematics)
2.3.5, Technical Sciences
+7 (496)216-5778

Scientific Secretary:

Elena Zemlyanaya
DrSc (Physics & Mathematics)
1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics

Members of the Council:

  • Pavel Akishin, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Alexander Bogdanov, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 2.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Aleksander Bugay, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Alexander Degtyarev, DrSc (Technical Sciences), 02.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Michal Hnatič, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Victor Ivanov, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 2.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Viacheslav Ilyin, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 2.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Yuri Kalinovsky, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Alexander Kryanev, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Victor Lakhno, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Alexander Malakhov, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 2.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Vladimir Melezhik, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Gennady Ososkov, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 2.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Leonid Sevastianov, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 1.2.2, Physics and Mathematics
  • Sergey Uliyanov, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), 2.3.5, Technical Sciences
  • Vladimir Voevodin, DrSc (Physics & Mathematics), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2.3.5, Technical Sciences.