Wednesday, February 19, 2025

ЛИТ ОИЯИ развивает сотрудничество с ВМК МГУ

Выездной семинар «Научно-исследовательская деятельность ОИЯИ», организованный для Факультета вычислительной математики и кибернетики (ВМК) Московского государственного университета (МГУ) им. М. В. Ломоносова прошел 18 февраля 2025 г. в Лаборатории информационных технологий им. М. Г. Мещерякова ОИЯИ. Для участия в мероприятии в Дубну приехали студенты 3 курса бакалавриата и 1 курса аспирантуры кафедры автоматизации систем вычислительных комплексов (АСВК) ВМК МГУ во главе с заведующим Русланом Смелянским.

Участников семинара приветствовал научный руководитель ЛИТ ОИЯИ Владимир Кореньков, который прочел для студентов лекцию, посвященную обзору научной деятельности Лаборатории. Максим Зуев, научный сотрудник ЛИТ, рассказал студентам про задачи, решаемые на суперкомпьютере «Говорун». Сессия вопросов и ответов завершила лекционный блок семинара, к которому также присоединились студенты РУДН, проходящие в эти дни практику в ЛИТ. Позже студенты ВМК МГУ побывали с экскурсией на Многофункциональном информационно-... read more...

Monday, February 17, 2025

MLIT staff members are laureates of four JINR prizes

The decision on awarding annual JINR prizes for the best papers in the fields of theoretical research, experimental research, methodological and technical research, and applied research in 2024 was announced at the 137th session of the JINR Scientific Council. The staff members of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies were awarded four prizes in two sections.

The first prize for applied research and technology papers was awarded to a series of works titled “Deep learning methods for various problems in agriculture”. Authors: A. Uzhinskiy, G. Ososkov, A. Nechaevskiy.

The second prize for methodology, research and technology papers was awarded to a team of authors, which included MLIT employees:
E. Alexandrov, I. Alexandrov, N. Balashov, A. Chebotov, I. Filozova, K. Gertsenberger, P. Klimai, A. Moshkin, I. Pelevanyuk, G. Shestakova, for a series of works titled “Development of a software complex for the implementation of a unified architecture for distributed... read more...

Monday, February 17, 2025

AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club - 19.02.2025

On 19 February 2025, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) at JINR invites everyone interested to the next seminar that will take place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6 Joliot-Curie St, left side).

A first category MLIT software engineer Tatiana Zaikina will deliver a presentation titled “How to navigate in the vast world of scientific publications”.

How and where to look for information? Why use identifiers and indicators? The speaker will discuss the basic ideas of scientometrics and open access concepts. The main functions and features of the JINR Repository of Scientific Publications will be presented.

To join the event on 19 February, please fill in the form via the link.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Directorate of Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences visited MLIT

On 12 February, Director of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (Serbia) Slavko Dimović and Head of the Planning and Optimization Department Milan Ljušić visited the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies. The delegation arrived in Dubna to get acquainted with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research from 10 to 14 February.

At MLIT, the representatives of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences visited the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex, where they became familiar with its architecture and the policy of providing data and resources. Slavko Dimović and Milan Ljušić also met with the Laboratory’s Directorate to discuss opportunities for establishing cooperation.

MLIT Director Sergei Shmatov and his Deputy Dmitry Podgainy, Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov and his... read more...

Friday, February 14, 2025

JINR’s new initiative to support R&D projects discussed at MLIT

On 11 February, a meeting for discussing the JINR Directorate’s initiative to select applications for the implementation of applied research and developments in the direction of applied and innovative activities (R... read more...

Thursday, February 13, 2025

MLIT Telegram channel

Dear colleagues!

1. We are pleased to inform you about the launch of the Telegram channel of the M. G. Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies! On the channel you will find news about the scientific and educational activities of MLIT, as well as announcements of seminars and events of the Laboratory, learn about interesting projects within JINR and beyond.

Subscribe to MLIT Telegram channel and stay up to date!

2. Mathematical Modeling of Radiation-Induced Effects in Central Nervous System Structures Following Exposure to Heavy Accelerated Charged Particles

Colleagues from the Laboratory of Radiation Biology (LRB) of JINR conducted a research that used the capacities of the heterogeneous computing platform HybriLIT (MICC JINR). Mathematical modeling of radiation-induced effects in the structures of the central nervous system under the action of heavy accelerated charged particles was carried out. The calculations were carried out on the... read more...

Friday, February 7, 2025

MLIT expands its participation in development of JUNO experiment distributed computing infrastructure

In January, the 25th meeting of the international collaboration of the JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) experiment took place in Kaiping (Guangdong Province, China). JINR has been actively involved in this project since its foundation. Nikita Balashov, a first-category software engineer of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, participated in the meeting.

The main goal of the JUNO experiment is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. Thanks to the huge volume of the scintillation detector and the high accuracy of energy measurements, the project opens up wide opportunities for fundamental research: from the precision determination of mixing parameters in the lepton sector of the Standard Model and the detection of geoneutrinos and solar neutrinos to the observation of neutrinos from supernovae and the search for new physics, including proton decay.

JINR specialists are involved in various tasks in the JUNO project, from detector... read more...

Friday, February 7, 2025

Information Technologies in Mining

On 5 February, MLIT Scientific Leader, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Korenkov delivered a talk and moderated the session “Information Technologies in Mining” within the International Scientific Symposium “Miner’s Week-2025”. The event is held on 3-7 February at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) MISIS in Moscow.

Jointly with Vladimir Korenkov, the session “Information Technologies in Mining” was moderated by Doctor of Technical Sciences Igor Temkin, Head of the Department of Automated Control Systems at NUST MISIS.

The session was devoted to artificial intelligence methods in the mining industry, using computer vision and neural networks as examples. There were considered the issues of modeling processes and enhancing the operation efficiency of electrical equipment on the basis of digital technologies, as well as the experience of developing, integrating and using specialized software and mining-geological information systems.

In his talk, Vladimir Korenkov presented the JINR MLIT scientific... read more...

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

At the international conference at RUDN University

On February 6, 2025, the international scientific and practical conference "The mission of a modern university in the challenges of transformation in a multipolar world" started at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) in Moscow. The conference is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and will be held over two days - February 6-7.

On the first day of the conference, February 6, the Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov will deliver a report on the topic "The NICA Collider: a project of the JINR an international scientific center". The JINR Director’s talk will be part of the second thematic block of the plenary session “Modern models of education: revolution or evolution?”.

On 7 February, 16 scientific round tables will be held in the educational departments of the RUDN University, in which representatives of the Joint Institute will take part and make... read more...

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

DLNP and MLIT JINR employees participated in JUNO Collaboration Meeting

From 13 to 17 January 2025, the 25th meeting of the international collaboration of the JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) Experiment took place in Kaiping (Guangdong Province, China).

Ten JINR employees took part in the meeting: Dmitry Naumov, Yuri Gornushkin, Tatiana Antoshkina, Nikolay Anfimov, Nikita Bessonov, Maxim Gonchar, Dmitrii Dolzhikov, Denis Korablev, Artem Chukanov from DLNP and a MLIT employee Nikita Balashov.

The key topic of discussion was the preparation for the experiment’s start. A preliminary plan for processing the data collected during this period was presented as well.

JINR specialists are involved in various tasks in the JUNO Project, from detector assembly to data analysis. Their responsibilities include installing JUNO’s central detector, assembling the Top Tracker muon veto system, developing software for collecting data from it, and participating in the creation and subsequent commissioning of the TAO Satellite Detector. In addition, JINR employees develop muon track reconstruction algorithms and calibration methods for online event classification, participate... read more...

Monday, February 3, 2025

Congratulations to the poster presentation winner!

On January 27, 2025, the 60th meeting of the JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics (PAC CMP) was held at the JINR International Conference Hall, where poster presentations by young scientists took place.

One of the poster presentation winners was Dina Badreeva, a junior research at the МLIT. Her report "The influence of phospholipid composition on the interaction of the membrane with beta-amyloid peptide in the framework of molecular dynamics modeling" took second place in the presentation competition.

Congratulations to Dina Badreeva and wish her new successes!

Friday, January 31, 2025

ISP Director visited MLIT

On 30 January, Director of the Ivannikov Institute for System Programming (ISP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Academician Arutyun Avetisyan visited the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies during his visit to the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

Arutyun Avetisyan met with the MLIT Directorate represented by Director Sergei Shmatov, Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov and his Deputy Tatyana Strizh. JINR Director’s Special Representative for Educational Policy Samvel Harutyunyan took part in the meeting. The participants discussed the existing scientific cooperation in the field of information technologies and the possibilities for its development. In particular, the issues of creating a joint cloud infrastructure, as well as an open repository of trusted software and datasets, were considered.

On the same day, the JINR Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics hosted a joint institute seminar by Arutyun Avetisyan. The topic was challenges that face modern society in the field of cybersecurity as a result of the widespread introduction of information technologies, including... read more...

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Call for applications for START Summer session 2025

The START (STudent Advanced Research Training) Programme invites students and postgraduates to join research conducted at JINR supervised by leading scientists and engineers. Applications for the 2025 Summer Session are accepted at start.jinr.ru until March 2025.

One of the features of the Programme is competitive selection of participants carried out by project supervisors based on the application forms submitted. The Programme is aimed at students having finished the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s course, Master’s students, and PhD students of the 1st year of study. Selected participants will be able to come to JINR for 6-8 weeks from July until November 2025.

JINR researchers are invited to participate in START as student supervisors. To do this, please register at start.jinr.ru and post a description of your project in the corresponding section of your profile.

If you have any questions, please contact the START Team by +7 (496) 216-49-42 or write to email.



Wednesday, January 29, 2025

System programming and technologies for creating trusted systems (including artificial intelligence)

Dear colleagues!

We kindly invite you to attend the first JINR general seminar in 2025. The Seminar will be held on 30 January (Thursday) at 4 pm in the Conference Hall of the JINR Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP)

Speaker: Arutyun Avetisyan (Director of ISP RAS, Academician of RAS)

Title:System programming and technologies for creating trusted systems (including artificial intelligence)


The widespread adoption of information technologies (including artificial intelligence) is accompanied by a growing number of challenges in the field of cybersecurity. To respond to them, it is necessary to develop appropriate methods and technologies of system programming. The report examines emerging threats and emphasizes the need to create end-to-end technologies that ensure the entire life cycle of development and operation of systems with a given level of trust. Attention is also paid to organizational models for the development of... read more...

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

At the 32nd conference “Mathematics. Computer. Education”

MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov delivered a speech at the opening of the XXXII International Conference “Mathematics. Computer. Education” (MCE-2025). The conference is being held in a hybrid format on 27-31 January at the Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is one of the organizers of the event.

The key feature of the conference “Mathematics. Computer. Education” is its interdisciplinary nature. This event, which has already become traditional, focuses on consolidating the efforts of scientists and higher education workers, preserving the traditions of Russian science and education, enhancing the qualifications of the scientific and teaching staff in mathematical modeling and information technology, and attracting young people to the field of science and education.


Speaking at the MCE-2025 opening, Vladimir Korenkov, a representative of the conference organizing committee, who once stood at the origins of the conference, congratulated the audience on the... read more...

Friday, January 24, 2025

Dubna branch of Moscow State University launches IT Master’s course

On 20 January, the JINR-based Dubna branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) announced the opening of enrolment for a new master’s course entitled “Data Processing Methods and Technologies in Heterogeneous Computing Environments”. Document submission will open in June 2025. Pre-registration for the enrolment is available on the branch’s website. There are 10 state-funded and 10 fee-based quotas.

The head of the program is MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov. The teachers will be not only leading scientists and specialists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, but also teachers from MSU and other specialized universities and scientific and educational organizations.

The course “Data Processing Methods and Technologies in Heterogeneous Computing Environments” focuses on training specialists who have mastered the methodology of organizing computing for large-scale scientific projects. The new program will pay special attention to megascience projects in high-energy... read more...

Monday, January 20, 2025

Brilliant PhD defense as one of the MLIT results of the year

On 20 December, Sergey Belov successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies. The topic of the thesis was Big Data methods and technologies for solving high-energy physics tasks in a distributed computing environment. MLIT Scientific Leader, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Korenkov was the scientific supervisor of the work. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Lev Dudko, Head of the Laboratory of Electroweak and New Interactions of the Department of Experimental High Energy Physics of SINP MSU, became the scientific consultant of the thesis. Alexander Afanasyev, Head of the Distributed Computing Center of IITP RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Andrey Tsaregorodtsev, a highly qualified research engineer of the Marseille Center for Particle Physics of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics of the National Center for Scientific Research (Marseille... read more...

Friday, January 17, 2025

Daria Priakhina’s successful defense took place in Saint Petersburg

On 5 December 2024, Daria Priakhina, a researcher at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences at Saint Petersburg State University (SPbSU). The topic of the thesis was digital twins for solving management and development tasks of distributed data acquisition, storage and processing centers. The work was completed in specialty 2.3.1. System Analysis, Information Management and Processing, Statistics. MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov was the scientific supervisor of the thesis. SPbSU Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Bogdanov headed the Dissertation Council. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI was appointed the leading organization.

At present, as a result of experiments not only in the field of physics, but also in many other fields of science, a huge amount of data is generated. To effectively work with this data, distributed data... read more...

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Wave 12 of INTEREST programme

The JINR University Centre informs that the Wave 12 of the INTEREST online student programme will take place from March 3 to April 20, 2025.

Projects are being collected until January 31, 2025 on the programme website

You will find detailed information on how to register as a scientific supervisor and post your project within the 11th wave in the addition.

If you have any questions, write or call the INTEREST team members:
Anna Zubova (+79260544509)
Elena Karpova (+79260544509)
Phone number: (496) 216-49-42

INTEREST – International Remote Student Training – is an online programme organized by the UC JINR for students studying science, engineering, IT (starting from the 2nd grade), as well as for postgraduates from all over the world.

Friday, January 10, 2025

MLIT results of the year at the solemn seminar

On 27 December, a solemn meeting of MLIT staff members was held at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies with the participation of the JINR Directorate. At the meeting, MLIT Director Sergei Shmatov and MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov presented the main results of the Laboratory’s activities for 2024 and plans for the coming year. The winners of youth grants and prizes were announced.

JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov welcomed the audience: “I believe that the currency of this decade is data and information. In this sense, it is symbolic that today we have met in our Laboratory of Information Technologies. You are our major information platform. You promote and support science thanks to the telecommunication channels created, as well as absolutely fantastic opportunities for data analysis, storage and transfer. Through data, through Digital JINR, you bring us closer together. I congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year. I am grateful to you for the past year, for the results, for your work, for your talents. I wish the Laboratory to grow steadily, gain specialists from the Member States and be at the forefront of the Institute’s development... read more...