LIT winners of JINR prizes


For applied research and technology papers. First prize

 A. Uzhinskiy, G. Ososkov, A. Nechaevskiy.
“Deep learning methods for various problems in agriculture”.

For methodology, research and technology paper.

Second prize

 E. Alexandrov, I. Alexandrov, N. Balashov, A. Chebotov, I. Filozova, K. Gertsenberger, P. Klimai, A. Moshkin, I. Pelevanyuk, G. Shestakova
“Development of the software complex for the implementation of a unified architecture for distributed data processing and storage at the BM@N/NICA experiment”.

Third prizes

 A. Golunov, N. Gorbunov, A. Kamenev, V. Karzhavin, A. Lanev, V. Matveev, V. Palchik, V. Perelygin, S. Shmatov, N. Voytishin.
“Creation a hardware and software complex to study the characteristics of the cathode strip chambers of the CMS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton interactions and studying their performance under conditions of high background”.

 А. Gusev, О. Chuluunbaatar, J. Buša, S. Vinitsky, T. Zhanlav, B. Batgerel, V. Ulziibayar, L. Hai, P. Wen.
“Numerical methods and problem-oriented program complexes for solving some partial differential equations of physical processes and systems”.

JINR Prize for young scientists and specialists in the nomination "For applied research and technology papers"

Second prize

 I. Sokolov
"Document Management Service".

Encouraging Prize

"JINR Publications Repository on DSpace platform".


Physics Instruments and Methods. Second prize

 N. Voytishin, A. Zarubin, V. Karjavin, A. Kamenev, V. Korenkov, A. Lanev, V. Matveev, V. Palchik, V. Perelygin, S. Shmatov
"Development of a software and algorithmic complex for the reconstruction, identification and selection of high-energy muons in the CMS experiment at the LHC".


For applied research and technology papers.

First prize

 D. Belyakov, A. Vorontsov, E. Druzhinin, M. Zuev, V. Korenkov, Yu. Migal, A. Moshkin, D. Podgainy, T. Strizh, O. Streltsova
"Hyperconverged “Govorun” supercomputer for the implementation of the JINR scientific program".

Second prize

 O. Ivankov, N. Kučerka, T. Murugova, E. Ermakova, A. Rogachev, A. Kuklin, V. Skoi, Kh. Kholmurodov, D. Badreeva, E. Dushanov
"Structural reorganization in a lipid membrane triggered by amyloid-beta peptide and temperature".


Physics Instruments and Methods. Second Prize

 V. Korenkov, N. Kutovskiy, V. Mitsyn, A. Moshkin, I. Pelevanyuk, D. Podgainy, O. Rogachevskiy, V. Trofimov, A. Tsaregorodtsev
"Development and implementation of a unified access to the heterogeneous distributed resources of JINR and its Member States on the DIRAC platform".

Encouraging Prize

 I. Golutvin, A. Zarubin, V. Zykunov, V. Karjavin, V. Korenkov, A. Lanyov, V. Matveev, V. Palchik, M. Savina, S. Shmatov
"Test of the Standard Model and search for new physics in the Dimuon Final State with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider".


JINR Prize Competition 2019-2020 for young scientists and specialists 2019-2020. Third Prize

P. V. Goncharov
  - in the section “Scientific-research and scientific-technical papers” .


Theoretical Physics. Second Prize

L. Siurakshina, V. Yushankhai, P. Fulde, L. Hozoi, J. van den Brink.
 “Ab initio quantum-chemical approach to the study of the crystal field and quantum magnetism in transition metal oxides".


Encouraging Prize

V. Morozov, N. Morozova, V. Zlokazov.
 "Determination of the decay time of scintillators and investigation of space correlation of nuclear radiation by the autocorrelation method".


Experimental Physics Research. Second Prize

L. Afanasiev, O. Gorchakov, K. Gritsai, M. Zhabitsky, V. Kruglov, L. Kruglova, A. Kulikov, R. Lednicky, L. Nemenov, M. Nikitin.
 "Investigations of hadronic hydrogen-like atoms in the DIRAC experiment".


Theoretical Physics. Second Prize

I. Bogolubsky, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, V. Mitrjushkin, V. Bornyakov, Muller-Preussker, A. Sternbeck.
"Lattice studies of Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators in Quantum Chromodynamics".

Physics Instruments and Methods. Second Prize.

O. Chuluunbaatar, A. Gusev, S. Vinitsky, V. Gerdt, V. Rostovtsev, A. Abrashkevich, V. Debrov, A. Gozdz, P. Krassovitskiy, T. Kazaryan.
"Problem-oriented complex of programs for solving boundary value problems in the dynamics of few-body quantum systems”.


Physics Instruments and Methods. First Prize.

N. Astakhov, S. Belov, A. Dolbilov, N. Gromova, V. Korenkov, N. Kutovskiy, V. Mitsyn, T. Strizh, E. Tikhonenko, V. Trofimov.
"JINR Grid Infrastructure − Component Russian and World-Wide Grid".

Theoretical Physics Research. First Prize.

N. Plakida, S. Adam, G. Adam, A. Vladimirov, D. Ihle, V. Oudovenko
"Theory of Spin Fluctuations and High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates".

Applied Physics Research. Second Prize.

I. Amirhanov, G. Karamysheva, I. Kiyan, N. Morozov, E. Samsonov, K. Daniel, K. Gugula, J. Sulikowski.
"Implementation of the Operation Mode of the AIC-144 Cyclotron (Poland) for the Proton Therapy of Eye Melanoma".


Applied Physics Research. Encouraging Prize

A. Galoyan, O. Rogachevsky, A. Polanski, V. Uzhinsky.
“Simulation of Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions at High Energies”.


Experimental Physics Research. Second Prize

M. Kiselev, A. Balagurov, E. Zemlyanaya, E. Ermakova, N. Ryabova, A. Kisselev, P. Lesieur, T. Hauss, R. Neubert, V. Aksenov.
"Solution of the Scientific Problems, related to the Creation of Transdermal Vesicular Drug Carriers, by Neutron and X-ray Scattering".


Applied Physics Research. Second Prize

Amirkhanov, A. Didyk, A. Hofman, D. Muzafarov, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina, I. Sarhadov, N. Sarkar, Z. Sharipov, E. Zemlyanaya.
“Investigation of Models of Thermal and Thermoelastic Processes of Heavy Ion Interaction with Materials”.


Experimental Physics Research. Second Prize

S. Balev, O. Voskresenskaya, S. Gevorkyan, E. Goudzovski, V. Kekelidze, D. Madigozhin, Yu. Potrebenikov, A. Tarasov, P.L. Frabetti.
“Observation of Anomaly in the Distribution of Invariant Mass π0 π0 of Two Neutral Pions from Three-Pion Decays of Charged Kaons and the Measurement of Pion Scattering Lengths”.

Physics Instruments and Methods. Encouraging Prize

G. Agakishiev, S. Chernenko, O. Fateev, L. Glonti, A. Ierusalimov, C. Muntz, V. Pechenov, L. Smykov, J. Stroth, Yu. Zanevsky.
“Development and Construction of Low-Mass Drift Chambers, Front End Electronics and Tracking Software for the HADES Spectrometer”.


Applied Physics Research. First Prize

K.N. Angelov, B.A.Bezrukov, A.E.Gushin, I.A.Emelin, V.V.Ivanov, L.A.Popov, A.G.Dolbilov, S.V.Medved’.
"JINR Gigabit backbone”


Applied Physics Research. Encouraging Prize

V. Soloviev, A. Vdovin, V. Voronov, L. Malov, V. Ponomarev, A. Storozhenko, A. Sushkov, N. Shirikova, K. Gromov, V. Fominykh.
"Energy and Structure of Levels in Nuclei Z=2-100”.


Applied Physics Research. Second Prize

V. Altynov, Yu. Cheblukov, A. Didyk, A. Halil, A. Hofman, D. Ivanov, V. Semina, A. Suvorov, V. Robuk.
"Sputtering of Crystals and Metals under Irradiation by Heavy Ions”.

Applied Physics Research. Encouraging Prize

E. Goudzovski, A. Zinchenko, I. Ivanchenko, V. Kekelidze, D. Madigozhin, Yu. Potrebenikov.
"Characteristics of Hyperons and Antihyperons Produced in Nucleon Beams".


Applied Physics Research. Second Prize

I. Antoniou, P. Akritas, V. Ivanov, V. Ivanov, Yu. Kalinovsky, V. Korenkov, Yu. Kryukov, P. Zrelov.
“Statistical Model of Network Trafic”.


Physics Instruments and Methods. Second Prize

V. Karnaukhov, V. Moroz, C. Coca.
“Observation and Investigation of the Exotic Hadronic States N (3520) and K (1630) with Similar Features”.


Experimental Physics Research. Second Prize

 A.I.Zinchenko, I.M.Ivanchenko, V.D.Kekelidze, D.T.Madigojin, Yu.K.Potrebenikov, G.T.Tatishvili, A.L.Tkatchev, P.Z.Hristov.
“Study of Spin Effects in Strange Particle Production and Decays”.