Leaders: Adam GheorgheDSc (Physics & Maths), ProfessorChuluunbaatar OchbadrakhDSc (Physics & Maths), Academician of the International Academy of SciencesZrelov Petr ValentinovichCandidate of Science (Physics & Maths) Streltsova Oksana IvanovnaCandidate of Science (Physics & Maths)Development and support of the information-computing environment of the heterogeneous platform HybriLIT including installation and maintenance of specialized libraries and application software packages: - development and implementation of new parallel algorithms for computations on hybrid architectures, including Intel Xeon Phi (KNL) processors and NVIDIA graphics accelerators. - optimization and analysis of the performance of developed packages of parallel programs using various parallel programming techniques. - study of helium single ionization by fast proton impact in different kinematic regimes. - development and support on the HybriLIT platform of a program devoted to particle identification in the search for anomalous lepton. - study of the efficiency of various parallelization techniques implemented in the ROOT package, when computing on the heterogeneous HybriLIT platform. - fast FEM algorithm for numerical solution of the 3D problems of magnetostatics in COMSOL Multiphysics environment capable of yielding the high accuracy field maps for dipole magnets with superconducting coils.