
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
MLIT Room 310, Online seminar via Webinar
Yuri Palii, Alla Bogolubskaya, Denis Yanovich

Modeling of the QAOA algorithm operation on the quantum computing simulator Cirq

Speaker: Yuri Palii

The problem of finding the state with the lowest energy in the Ising model with a longitudinal magnetic field on a quantum computer using a quantum approximation optimization algorithm (QAOA) is considered. It is shown how the configuration of spins on a spatial lattice is encoded by the state of the register of a quantum computer, as well as how the Hamiltonian of the model is represented by a set of quantum gates. It is shown that the average energy value can be effectively measured using the Hadamard test. A number of increasingly complicated examples show the simulation of the quantum algorithm QAOA on a simulator of quantum computing in the Cirq environment, including on the quantum testbed of the HybriLIT platform. The main arguments in favor of the effectiveness of using a quantum computer in this task are presented.

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