General Laboratory seminar
I. Filozova, G. Shestakova, A. Kondratyev, A. Bondyakov, T. Zaikina, I. Nekrasova, Y. Popova (MLIT JINR)
JINR Repository of scientific publications on the Dspace platform (Pilot version)
Abstract:The JINR Open Access Archive (repository) on the DSpace platform consist thematic communities and collections with various types of scientific documents. The repository is organized by Open Access principles as part of the JINR digital ecosystem ( Repository support English and Russian languages. The full texts and other materials stored at the repository comply with the open Creative Commons Attribution CC Attribution (CC BY) license. Test prototype of the repository will be presented, its main capabilities, the structure of communities and collections, submissions and feedback forms.
N. Greben
Workload Management System for SPD Online filter
Abstract:One of the key technical features of the SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is the triggerless data acquisition. The data acquisition system (DAQ) aggregates data from the detectors of the facility and organizes them into blocks for further primary processing. The data arrival rate with this approach can reach 20 Gb/sec, and the annual volume of collected data will be measured in hundreds of petabytes. To solve the primary problem of unscrambling events from the aggregated data stream before filtering them out, a specialized computing system «SPD Online filter» is being created. «SPD Online filter» will be a hardware-software complex for high-throughput processing of primary data coming from the detection system of the SPD experimental unit. The hardware part will consist of a set of multi-core computing nodes, high-performance data storage systems and a number of control servers; the software part will consist not only of application software, but also of a set of middleware whose role is to organize and execute multi-stage data processing steps. This talk will present a brief description of the architecture and implementation of a prototype workload management system that performs the generation of computational jobs for processing a block of data, the distribution of jobs to compute nodes, and the control of their execution.
Information on the seminar at Indico.