Other events

International Scientific Seminar "Experimental Methods in Particle Physics"

Thursday, August 8, 2024      JINR International Conference Hall     Dubna,Russia

The international scientific seminar «Experimental methods of particle physics» will be held on August 8, 2024 at the JINR International Conference Hall in hybrid format. Seminar dedicated to the memory of the Prof. I.A. Golutvin and his 90th Anniversary .

Agenda of the Seminar will include the only Invited Talks by 20'-30', and short presentstions or speeches with memories of Prof. Golutvin about 5'. A total of about 60 participants are expected to take part in the Seminar. If participants are willing to give a presentation please contact to organizers.

The working languages – Russian and Eglish.

Participants are invited to be personal involved and can participate virtually via Zoom.

Detailed information about the seminar, registration and the link to join are available at indico
