

On 19-21 July 2024, the JINR Tourist Base “Lipnya” hosted the XXVIII Summer Scientific School organized by the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR (JINR AYSS). The event was attended by 55 representatives of scientific youth aged up to 35 years inclusive from laboratories and subdivisions of the Joint Institute, as well as young scientists and specialists from PJSC “Tensor” and from Branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Sarov).

The three-day program of the event included lectures and round tables, as well as a master class and sports and cultural events. The school participants learned a lot of interesting things about scientific, technical and historical aspects of the Institute's life, about technical and engineering tasks solved at JINR and at other enterprises of Dubna. The program also included two round tables with participation of the Directorate and heads of infrastructure facilities and subdivisions of the Institute, representatives of MSCh No. 9 of FMBA of Russia and scientific and production enterprises of Dubna, where topical issues of social infrastructure of organizations and urban environment were discussed.

The lecture “Why a scientist needs to get out of his introvert-shell” was presented by Anastasia Sushchevich, Head of the JINR UC Social Communications Group. JINR MLIT researcher Igor Pelevanyuk told about useful web-services of the Institute. Alexey Zhemchugov, Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary of JINR, gave a lecture on the history of the Joint Institute. Galina Orlova, a leading researcher of the International Center for History and Sociology of the Second World War and its Consequences of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, presented a report “The History of the Present Atomic Project in Ten Theses and Controversies”. Scientific researchers of the JINR Laboratories, representatives of the JINR Directorate and the JINR University Centre made their reports.
