
SERDYUKOVA Svetlana Ivanovna

On October 14, 2024, after a long illness, Svetlana Ivanovna Serdyukova, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a leading researcher at the M.G. Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, died.

Serdyukova S.I. was born on July 26, 1939 in Luga, Leningrad region.
Almost 60 years of Serdyukova's life were inextricably linked with JINR, where she began working in 1965 after graduating from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

She was a highly qualified specialist in the field of computational mathematics, well known in our country and abroad. She obtained fundamental results on asymptotic methods for studying the stability of difference boundary value problems. Under the guidance of Serdyukova S.I., calculations related to the numerical modeling of physical processes were carried out.

When solving the problems of numerical investigation of Fluxone dynamics in one-dimensional Josephson transitions with micro-inhomogeneities, modeling the motion of one-electron solitons in one-dimensional and two-dimensional tunnel structures, as well as when studying the problem of potential recovery for the discrete Schrodinger equation, she obtained new results.

Recently, Serdyukova S.I.'s research has been related to the determination of critical points of the volt-ampere characteristics of Josephson junction systems in the case of periodic and quasi-periodic boundary conditions. She developed an effective numerical and analytical method for calculating the volt-ampere characteristics of the Josephson junction system.

Serdyukova S.I. is the author and co-author of more than 120 scientific papers published in both Russian and foreign scientific journals. She conducted scientific and pedagogical work. Five PhD theses have been defended under her leadership.

Svetlana Ivanovna was awarded the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", the departmental badge of distinction in the work "Veteran of nuclear Energy and Industry", an honorary diploma and a certificate of honor from JINR. She was awarded the title of "Honorary JINR Employee". Svetlana Ivanovna enjoyed well-deserved authority and respect among the staff of the laboratory and the institute as a whole.

The laboratory staff expresses its deep condolences to the family and friends. The bright memory of Svetlana Ivanovna will remain in the hearts of those who knew her, worked and communicated with her.

The staff of the M.G. Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies.
