
MIPT School-seminar on new methods in data processing

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the second school-seminar on new methods of data processing of a physical experiment, which will be held on December 2-4, 2024 at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Dolgoprudny.

The main topic of the seminar is devoted to the use of new methods for obtaining, preparing and processing physical experiment data, including machine learning methods and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The main topics of the workshop include:

  • New methods of data collection of physical experiment, including the use of new methods for fast on-line trigger
  • Experience in using machine learning methods and AI for the analysis of experimental data
  • Experience in the use of distributed computing and grid technologies in the analysis of experimental data of the LHC experiments and prospects for the NICA project
  • Processing the detector response and particle tracking using machine learning methods.

An important feature of the event should be the wider involvement of young people directly involved in data processing in the general discussion. The format of the event involves inviting experts in the specified field with detailed reports (40-60 minutes)and reports from young participants (15-20 minutes).
Also, an important part of the school seminar will be a general discussion on the results of each day of performances.
The event will be held in the laboratory building of MIPT at the address: 141701, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Institutsky lane, 9c2.

Detailed information and registration are available on the event page: Indico.

Registration is open until November 10, 2024.