
MMCP’2024: summarized results

After a five-year break, the International Conference "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics, 2024" (MMCP-2024) has resumed its work. The eleventh conference took place at Yerevan State University (YSU, Yerevan, Armenia) on 21-25 October and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician Alexei Norairovich Sisakyan (14 October 1944 – 1 May 2010), an outstanding scientist in the field of elementary particle physics, theoretical and mathematical physics, director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (2006–2010). The conference was organized collaboratively by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), A.I. Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory (AANL, Yerevan, Armenia) and the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (IIAP of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (NAS, Yerevan, Armenia).

The co-chairmen of the conference were V.V. Korenkov (JINR) and G. Karyan (AANL). The program committee was headed by S.V. Shmatov (JINR) and R. Barkhudaryan (YSU). The organizing committee was supervised by M. Hnatič (JINR, P.J. Šafárik University of Košice, Institute of Experimental Physics of Košice) and A. Tumasyan (AANL, YSU).

More than 150 scientists and specialists from 18 countries (Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) and a large number of Russian research centers and universities, including the HSE University, Dubna State University, IMPB RAS, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the RAS, MADI, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, SINP MSU, PNPI NRC KI, RUDN University, SPbSU, Skoltech, ITMO University, FRCCP RAS, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, LPI, Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of the RAS, participated in the conference.

The scientific program of the conference embraced mathematical methods and tools for modeling complex systems, including life sciences, quantum computing and quantum information processing methods, machine learning and Big Data analytics, methods and numerical algorithms in high-energy physics, including data processing and analysis methods in megascience projects.

The plenary session was opened by R. Barkhudaryan (YSU) with a report devoted to the scientific program of Yerevan State University.

One of the traditional areas of computational mathematics and computational physics covered at MMCP conferences is the area related to the development of methods and tools for modeling complex physical systems. A number of interesting talks were delivered on this topic. H. Safouhi (University of Alberta, Canada) spoke about the application of sophisticated techniques of numerical integration using extrapolation and asymptotic expansion in calculating challenging integrals. Gh. Adam (JINR) dedicated his report to progress achieved within the Bayesian approach to calculating Riemann integrals using the automatic adaptive quadrature. Kh. Khachatryan (YSU) discussed classical and weakened solutions of the Cauchy problem for one class of nonlinear parabolic equations. V.V. Braguta (JINR) considered the influence of relativistic rotation on quantum chromodynamics properties. Several sessional talks devoted to computational physics methods in combination with quantum field theory methods as applied to stochastic nonlinear dynamics and critical phenomena (N.M. Gulitsky (SPbSU), M. Kecer (P.J. Šafárik University of Košice), A. Ovsiannikov (P.J. Šafárik University of Košice), N.E. Savitskaya (PNPI NRC KI), P.I. Kakin (SPbSU), M.V. Kompaniets (JINR), etc.) are noteworthy.

A large group of reports covered methods and numerical algorithms in high-energy physics (HEP), including data processing and analysis methods in megascience projects. A.B. Arbuzov (JINR) presented the current state of the SANC (Support of Analytical and Numerical calculations for Colliders) computer system, developed for the precise calculations of event distributions related to various decay processes and elementary particle interactions in HEP. V.Yu. Karjavin (JINR) reported JINR’s participation in the CMS (LHC) experiment: development and modernization of detectors, data acquisition and analysis, software development, reliable operation of Tier1\Tier2 grid sites for data storage and processing. V.V. Korenkov (JINR) gave an overview of methods and technologies for the development of distributed computing systems for storing, processing and analyzing experimental data from large scientific facilities (LHC, NICA, neutrino program, etc.) using the example of the JINR Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex. N.N. Voytishin (JINR) enlarged upon event reconstruction methods in modern HEP experiments. G.A. Ososkov (JINR) focused on the task of charged particle trajectory detection based on machine learning methods. A.S. Zhemchugov (JINR), K.V. Gertsenberger (JINR) and O.V. Rogachevsky (JINR) devoted their talks to computing for the experiments of the NICA megascience project, namely, SPD, BM@N and MPD, respectively.

The conference featured reports on distributed and parallel computing, as well as on artificial intelligence. A. Mirzoyan (IIAP NAS RA) presented an overview of the “Aznavour” supercomputer as a national supercomputer center in Yerevan, providing computing power to tackle challenging tasks across various disciplines. In turn, M.I. Zuev (JINR) spoke about the HybriLIT heterogeneous platform, consisting of the education and testing polygon and the “Govorun” supercomputer, as well as about tasks calculated on its resources. The talk on prospects for the development of system programming and cybersecurity by A.I. Avetisyan (ISP RAS, Russia), a leading Russian specialist in system programming, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, evoked great interest among the conference participants. Anonymous computing for robust authentication in self-organizing swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles became the topic of the report of Ye. Alaverdyan (IIAP NAS RA).

A number of plenary talks were devoted to the development of mathematical methods in life sciences. V.D. Lakhno (Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of the RAS, Pushchino, Russia) spoke about the fundamentals of nanobioelectronics and its potential applications. A.N. Bugay (JINR) reviewed the hierarchy of biophysical models to investigate complex DNA damage and cell survival following the exposure of ionizing radiation with various characteristics.

Methods and algorithms of quantum computing and quantum information processing were the subject of several plenary reports. C. Calude (New Zealand), the recognized world classic in quantum computing, delivered a talk in which he explained the superiority of quantum computing over the traditional one. The report by V.S. Melezhik (JINR) considered a quantum-semiclassical method for the quantitative analysis of various few-body quantum problems in atomic and nuclear physics. A. Allahverdyan (AANL) presented dissipative search in an unstructured database.

The conference encompassed a multitude of interesting presentations, accompanied by lively and meaningful discussions. In total, 23 plenary and over 110 sessional talks were delivered.

The rich scientific program of the conference was complemented by an interesting cultural program, which allowed the participants to enjoy diverse excursions and admire picturesque Armenia, as well as to visit an exhibition at YSU dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician A.N. Sisakyan.

At the closing of the conference, words of gratitude were expressed to the organizing committee for the high level of holding the conference and to the Armenian colleagues for their hospitality.

The abstracts of the talks and the conference program are available on the conference website. Selected proceedings of the conference will be published in the Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei journal.

Photos by Alexey Vorontsov.