
Friday, November 8, 2019
LIT Conference Hall
Koehler Martin
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)

JOIN² - A Publication Database and Repository based on Invenio

In spring 2019 JINR and DESY signed a mutual agreement for JINR to join the JOIN² project. JOIN² has extended, adapted and used the CERN based Open Source Reposiotry Software INVENIO, which has been extended in various areas. The joint work will enable JINR to develop and improve its efficiency of the JINR Document Server (JDS,, Open Access institutional repository of articles, preprints and other materials intended for information support of scientific research at JINR. JOIN² benefits from the long experience of JINR with INVENIO as a repository software.
In this talk we will give an overview of the JOIN² project and the extensions build on top of INVENIO.