
Sad Information about V. Zhiltsov

On August 15, 2020, the leading programmer of the Scientific and Technical Division of Computer Communications and Distributed Information Systems of the Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT), Viktor Evgenievich Zhiltsov, suddenly died.
V.E. Zhiltsov began working at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in 1977. He enthusiastically participated in the development of equipment and the creation of data collection systems for the experiments NA4 (CERN), ANOMALON (JINR), SSC (USA), STAR (USA), NA48 (CERN), COMPASS (CERN), CMS (CERN), EGEE ( EU), etc., was the author of more than 10 rationalization proposals.
Since 2004 V.E. Zhiltsov worked at the LIT. Viktor Evgenievich left a deep mark on the creation and development of Grid technologies for particle physics. Took part in the development of components of the CASTOR distributed data storage system (CERN). Participated in the creation and development of distributed computing and data storage systems LCG (CERN), RDIG (Russia). Viktor Evgenievich was the coordinator of the T1_CH_CERN node of the RDMS collaboration (Russia and JINR Member States) in the CMS experiment. Participated in the EGI-inSPIRE project as a coordinator from JINR. He was a representative of the Tierl1 Center for the CMS experiment at JINR on GRID and WLCG at CERN.  More...