

XXVIII International Conference
Monday, January 25, 2021 - Saturday, January 30, 2021      Online    

The main goal of the interdisciplinary MCE conferences is organization of the productive interaction between scientists and higher education staff, preservation of traditions of Russian science and education, training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of mathematical modeling and information technologies and attraction of young people into science and education.
As a part of the Conference we organize:
- the International Symposium “Biophysics of complex systems. Computational and systems biology. Molecular modeling”.
- the round table “The Cultural space of Russia. Russian scientific language".


The abstract submission deadline is November 15, 2020

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Dubna State University, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Puschino Scientific Center (Puschino, RAS), Institute of Cell Biophysics (Puschino, RAS), Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics (Puschino, RAS), Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (Moscow, RAS), Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics (Moscow, RAS), National Committee of Russian Biophysicists RAS, the Interregional Public Organization “Women in Science and Education”.