
The NRU HSE Seminar on High Performance Computing

The next NRU HSE seminar on high performance computing will be held on Tuesday, December 01, 2020 at 16.20

The seminar program :
1. Kostenetsky Pavel Sergeevich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Supercomputer Modeling Department,
National Research University Higher School of Economics.
"HARISMa supercomputer of NRU HSE: about computational tasks, administration, development and expansion"

2. Tolstykh Mikhail Andreevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the G. I. Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics, RAS, Head of laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Hydrometeorological Center of Russia".
"The Supercomputers using in numerical weather prediction"

The everyone is welcome.

The seminar will be held using Zoom platforms
Link to connect
Meeting ID: 969 1034 9838
Passcode: 501711

The working language Russian
The seminar is held to exchange experience on the application of high performance computing in science, engineering and economics.
Traditionally, two reports are presented at the seminar: one - by the staff of the Higher School of Economics, the second - by the guests of the university - specialists in the field of the seminar topics.