
Congratulations to Viktor Borisovich Zlokazov

On 15 January 2021, Viktor Borisovich Zlokazov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a leading researcher of the Scientific and Technical Department of Software and Information Support of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, celebrates his 80th birthday.
After graduating from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, V.B. Zlokazov started to work at JINR in 1969 being involved in the creation of computer systems of receiving, accumulating and processing spectrometric information for JINR’s experimental facilities.
Later V.B. Zlokazov dealt with the problems of automating physical experiments at the IBR-30 (2) and U-200 (400) facilities, a number of setups at the HMI Institute in Berlin and at the FRM-II reactor of the Technical University of Munich, as well as with the development and use of methods of applied mathematics to solving a wide range of problems related to the analysis of data obtained within these experiments. The created methods (some of them were pioneering) were further developed on the basis of more advanced computer systems using modern programming technologies. Software complexes were created for solving the major tasks of analyzing the spectra of the widest class, namely, one- and multidimensional neutron and neutron-diffraction, gamma, alpha and optical spectra, mass spectra, cross sections of nuclear reactions, etc. The technique of rare event analysis developed by V.B. Zlokazov was used for data interpretation in the synthesis of transuranic elements, including the 114th and 116th elements.
V.B. Zlokazov is a highly qualified scientist in the field of applied mathematics, computer science, the computerization of scientific and physical studies and application of methods of experimental data modeling, acquisition and mathematical processing, who made a great contribution to the formation and development of these directions at the Institute.
V.B. Zlokazov is the author and co-author of more than 150 scientific papers. For a number of years he has been a member of the LIT Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral and Ph.D. theses. In 1995, he was elected a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Some works performed with the participation of V.B. Zlokazov were awarded three JINR Prizes and the VDNH Silver Medal. He shows his best business qualities, i.e. hard work and responsibility, in work. Viktor Borisovich was awarded the “Veteran of Labor” Medal, the departmental badge of distinction in the work "Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry", JINR’s Letter of Gratitude and JINR’s Honorary Diploma.
Since 1979, V.B. Zlokazov worked as an associate professor at the Dubna branch of MIREA, then as a professor, since 1993 – as a professor at the Dubna branch of SINP MSU. The Laboratory staff are familiar with Viktor Borisovich’s passion for literary activities: poetic congratulations to birthday persons, comic poems, etc
We congratulate Viktor Borisovich Zlokazov on his 80th birthday and wish him health, family well-being, success in his scientific activity, as well as in satisfying his philosophical interests related to epistemes that arise from the ideology of the practical experience of cybernetics, and luck in his literary activity.

Directorate of LIT JINR, colleagues, students