
Congratulations to Gennady Alekseevich Ososkov

On 13 February 2021, Gennady Alekseevich Ososkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Principal Researcher of the Scientific Department of Computational Physics of the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates his 90th birthday.
Gennady Alekseevich was born in Vyatka (now Kirov), being a child, he lived in pre-war Stalingrad and spent difficult war years in Mordovia. He graduated from Moscow State University with honors in 1953, the year of the opening of a new MSU building on Lenin Hills, in the construction of which he took part. He received his red diploma from Academician I.G. Petrovsky. Being a postgraduate, he studied under the guidance of outstanding mathematicians, first, under A.Ya. Khinchin, then A.N. Kolmogorov was his scientific supervisor when defending a Ph.D. thesis in 1957. In 1956, G.A. Ososkov was assigned to the Research Institute PO Box 1546 MRTP (Moscow), where he was engaged in applied problems of mathematical statistics and simulation modeling of control systems until 1961. He participated in the creation of a long-range radar detection system.
G.A. Ososkov arrived in Dubna at the invitation of his university colleagues E.P. Zhidkov and N.N. Govorun in 1961 and has been working at JINR ever since. In 2021, Gennady Alekseevich celebrates another anniversary – 60 years of work at JINR! He headed the successful development of mathematical software for automated measuring systems of experimental data at JINR. The results of studies in this field by G.A. Ososkov in 1961–1987, obtained together with his students and specialists of the sector he supervised, were implemented into the mathematical software of scanning devices, namely, the Spiral Reader at CERN, the Spiral Meter, AELT-2/160, and of the BPS-2 measuring table system at JINR, which made it possible to achieve new physical results. In 1987, G.A. Ososkov defended his doctoral thesis based on the results of these studies.
Under the guidance and with the participation of Professor G.A. Ososkov, new fast and highly efficient methods for detecting tracks and tops of events, Cherenkov radiation rings and centers of electron showers were created and implemented on the basis of the widespread use of robust statistical methods, cellular automata and neural networks. These results found wide application in many large physical centers of the world (CERN, DESY, BNL). Scientific interests of G.A. Ososkov encompass problems of modeling physical processes in experimental high- and low-energy physics and statistical analysis of experimental data. One of the evidence of the generality and efficiency of the developed methods was their successful application in medicine and ionospheric research. G.A. Ososkov made a significant contribution to the work carried out by JINR in the СВМ experiments (GSI, Darmstadt). As a well-known expert with an international reputation in the field of experimental data processing, G.A. Ososkov was repeatedly invited on short-term visits to such famous physical centers and universities as CERN (Switzerland), Max Planck Institutes (Heidelberg, Germany), DESY (Hamburg, Germany), GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), Yale University (Connecticut, USA), the University of Alabama (Birmingham, USA), the University of Florida (Gainesville, USA), as well as the Mongolian State University (Ulaanbaatar), IHEP of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) and Slovak institutes (Bratislava).
Recently G.A. Ososkov has focused on issues related to the NICA/MPD/SPD project. Under his guidance, the work on dynamical modeling of processes involved in storing, transferring and analyzing data for the computer infrastructure of the project is in progress; the SyMSim program for modeling the grid-cloud environment has been developed. A new system that combines the monitoring, analysis of results and, in fact, modeling and processing of large data arrays in physical experiments has been created within the project. From 2014 to 2017, Gennady Alekseevich was the head of two RFBR scientific grants.
G.A. Ososkov is a prominent scientist in the field of applications of probability theory, computational statistics and pattern recognition, neural networks, artificial intelligence, wavelet analysis, etc. He has published over 300 scientific papers, including two monographs, articles in prestigious domestic and foreign journals and texts of reports in proceedings of international conferences. In the last three years, he has published 20 papers in foreign publications.
G.A. Ososkov pays constant attention to the work with young specialists. From 1988 to 2002, he worked as a professor of computational statistics at Ivanovo State University (ISU), from 2000 to 2015 – as a professor at the Department of Information Technologies of the Dubna branch of MIREA, since 2000 – as a professor of Dubna University. Lectures by Gennady Alekseevich are not only logical coverage of the state of the art in the subject area, but also a fascinating and optimistic story. Gennady Alekseevich is a member of the Science and Technology Council and the Dissertation Council of LIT JINR, the Scientific Council of ISU. He is the author of four textbooks. Under the supervision of G.A. Ososkov 13 students defended their Ph.D. theses, 17 graduates defended their diplomas at ISU, 10 graduates – at MIREA, and 17 students defended their master’s theses and 6 students defended their bachelor’s theses at Dubna University. It is noteworthy that in 2019, Pavel Goncharov, a student of Gennady Alekseevich, became one of the laureates of the Ilya Segalovich Award, which was established by Yandex in 2019 to reward academic achievement and encourage scientific advancement in computer science, namely, machine learning, computer vision, information retrieval and data analysis, natural language processing and machine translation, speech recognition and synthesis.
Gennady Alekseevich holds the title of Honorary Doctor of the Mongolian State University and was awarded the medal “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, the departmental badge of distinction in the work “Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry”, the Silver and Gold medals of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the anniversary medal in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Mongolian State University. He has the title of “Honorary Fellow of JINR” and was awarded JINR’s Certificate of Honor and JINR’s Honorary Diploma for the services to the Institute. Gennady Alekseevich also has the diploma of Honorary Professor of Dubna University and the title of Honored Scientist of the Moscow Region, he is a member of the editorial board of the “Neuroinformatics” journal.
In addition to scientific interests, Gennady Alekseevich has a multifaceted personality. He is a poet and artist, keen on photography, drawing and painting, was a member of the board of the House of Culture “Mir” and sang in its academic choir. His articles and interviews were published in Dubna’s newspapers, anniversary collections of LIT and JINR. He has a wonderful family, he went for hikes with his wife and children, loved to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, traveled in kayaks along nearby rivers flowing into the Volga and other rivers in the country, was fond of skies of all kinds: plain, water and mountain; he has been swimming regularly for more than half a century. He still leads an active lifestyle, showing his youthful spirit, passion, radiating optimism, without losing his sense of humor.
We congratulate Gennady Alekseevich Ososkov on his 90th birthday and wish him health, happiness, further success in his scientific activity and a prosperous family life.

Directorate of LIT JINR, Directorate of JINR, colleagues and students