
Congratulations to Tatiana Aleksandrovna Strizh

On 28 February 2021, Tatiana Aleksandrovna Strizh, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates her anniversary.
Tatiana Aleksandrovna was born in Tallinn. From 1964 to 1966, she studied at Tartu State University, and from 1966 – at Moscow State University, where she successfully defended her diploma in nuclear physics. Then she entered postgraduate studies, and L.M. Soroko became her scientific supervisor.
T.A. Strizh has devoted almost fifty years to science and work at JINR, where she came in 1973 after completing her postgraduate course at the MSU Faculty of Physics. During this time, she went from Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems to Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies. Tatiana Aleksandrovna performed her first scientific work at DLNP and then started working at LCTA in the department of film information processing under N.N. Govorun, where she proved herself a highly qualified specialist in the field of information processing in nuclear physics and high-energy physics. She conducted crucial work on the creation of software packages for processing data from film detectors. Later she moved to the sector under the leadership of I.V. Puzynin. In 1989, T.A. Strizh successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis “Newtonian schemes and continuation method in the numerical analysis of some nonlinear models of theoretical physics” in the specialty “Application of mathematical methods, mathematical modeling and computing for scientific purposes”. In 1995, she became Senior Researcher.
Considering her high professionalism, accumulated experience and unique organizational skills, in 1996, T.A. Strizh was appointed Scientific Secretary of the Laboratory, and since 2013, she has been working as Deputy Director of the Laboratory for scientific work. From 1998 to 2005, T.A. Strizh also held the position of Deputy Director of the JINR University Centre, where she delivered lectures on information technology to UC students.
Scientific interests of Tatiana Aleksandrovna cover the application of computational methods and software for data processing. Her other interests are scientific computing, information and grid technologies, high-performance and distributed computing. T.A. Strizh has more than 140 scientific papers in refereed journals, conference proceedings and scientific publications.
In 2004–2010, she was a member of the EGEE (Enabling Grid for E-sciencE) European project, being a leader of an essential direction on the application of grid technologies in Russia.
In 2005–2006, the project of the Federal Agency of Science and Innovations of the Russian Federation “Development of a prototype center for basic grid services of a new generation for intensive operations with distributed data on a federal scale” was implemented at JINR with her active participation. Later on, there were other large-scale projects, namely, “Working out a computer system for the development of the RuTier2/RDIG grid complex to perform distributed data analysis for the LHC experiments by Russian institutes as part of the WLCG/EGEE global grid system”, “GridNNN − National Nanotechnological Network”, “Russian Grid Network” of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and the EGI-InSPARE European project.
T.A. Strizh took an active part in the projects of the Federal Target Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: “Model of a shared distributed system for acquiring, transferring and processing extremely large data volumes based on grid technologies for the NICA accelerator complex” and “Creation of an automated system of data processing for the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of Tier1 level and of maintenance of grid services for the distributed analysis of this data”.
At present, T.A. Strizh is a co-leader of the project “Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex of JINR”. With her active participation, a Tier1 center for the CMS experiment at the LHC has been created and is occupying a leading position among seven world data processing and storage centers, cloud computing is expanding, the “Govorun” supercomputer has been created and is functioning. Of particular note is the personal contribution of Tatiana Aleksandrovna to the organization and holding of a series of international conferences, such as the International Conference “Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education” (GRID, 2004−2018), “V International Congress on Mathematical Modeling”, which was organized in Dubna in 2002 and which laid the foundation for a number of international conferences ММСР (2006–2019) on mathematical modeling and computational physics, the International Symposium “Nuclear Electronics and Computing” (NEC), organized jointly by JINR and CERN, as well as other conferences held with the participation of LIT.
T.A. Strizh was awarded the medal “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, the departmental badge of distinction in the work “Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry” and the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. She has the title of “Honorary Fellow of JINR” and the Gratitude from the Governor of the Moscow Region.
Tatiana Aleksandrovna is distinguished by exceptional diligence, hard work, responsibility, discipline and tact.
For 25 years she has been occupying an important place in the LIT management and sensitively feels the pulse of the Laboratory’s life, she is thoroughly familiar not only with the state of scientific work and approaches to solving problems by LIT specialists, but also with the development of the engineering and computing infrastructure of the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex. The interest of Tatiana Aleksandrovna in the mastering and practical application of state-of-the-art areas in IT technologies has remained unchanged for all these years.
Her organizational talent, research passion, high professionalism of a leader and scientist, caring attitude toward young people, ability to create a productive atmosphere in a team, adherence to principles and exactingness towards herself and people have earned deep respect from colleagues.
The energy of Tatiana Aleksandrovna is enough not only to solve the Laboratory’s issues, but also to take care of her family. She brought up two wonderful daughters and has a grandson, her pride and joy.
We sincerely congratulate Tatiana Aleksandrovna on her anniversary and wish her good health, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, great inspiration, blooming beauty and joyful events.

Directorate of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR Directorate, colleagues and friends