
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
LIT Conference Hall, Online seminar via Webex
Alexey Sychugov
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Tula State University

Methods and algorithms for the rapid detection of hazardous states of industrial sites

(based on the doctoral thesis)

The report will present the results of the author’s work on the development of new methods, mathematical models and algorithms for processing information about the state of an industrial site in order to assess, analyze and detect changes in its state, ongoing processes and phenomena, as well as for informational support of the decision-maker on warning and elimination of technogenic emergencies. The work is based on the approaches and tools of machine learning, fuzzy set theory and the theory of artificial immune systems.
A model and a structure of an information system for the rapid detection of hazardous states of industrial sites are developed. The system implements the proposed methods, and its elements are introduced to industrial enterprises of the Tula region.

More information on the seminar and the link to connect via Webex are available at Indico.