
Congratulations to Edik Artashevich Ayryan

On 6 May 2021, Edik Artashevich Ayryan, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Director for International Cooperation and Human Resources of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates his 70th birthday.
Edik Artashevich was born in the Mets Tagher village of Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1973, he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Yerevan State University. After graduating from the university, he started working as Junior Researcher at the Yerevan Physics Institute. From 1977 to 1985, he was assigned to the Department of Computational Mathematics of LCTA JINR to perform joint studies in the field of numerical methods and computational mathematics.
In May 1985, Edik Artashevich defended his Ph.D. thesis “Numerical Algorithms on a Sequence of Grids for Solving Magnetostatics Problems” under the guidance of Professor Evgeny Petrovich Zhidkov. From 1992 to 2020, he worked as Head of the Sector of Computational Physics of MLIT JINR. In November 2020, Edik Artashevich was transferred to the position of Assistant Director for International Cooperation and Human Resources of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies.
During his work at MLIT JINR, Edik Artashevich has established himself as a qualified specialist in the development of effective algorithms, the creation and application of existing software packages to solve different problems of computational physics, as well as in the modeling of non-linear processes.
For 20 years Edik Artashevich has been Chairman of the Science and Technology Council of MLIT JINR. Since 1992, he has been the head of the group of specialists of the Republic of Armenia at JINR by the appointment of the Plenipotentiary of Armenia.
Edik Artashevich cooperates with many specialists from JINR’s Member States: Armenia, Bulgaria, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, etc. In addition to his active scientific activity, Edik Artashevich is distinguished by a thorough knowledge of the affairs and the course of the Institute’s work, showing an outstanding organizational talent. Edik Artashevich’s personal contribution to the organization of a number of international scientific conferences is noteworthy — first of all, it concerns a series of MMCP conferences (2006–2019) on mathematical modeling and computational physics, organized jointly by MLIT JINR and scientific institutes of Slovakia and Romania, of which four were held in Slovakia. For more than 20 years he was Professor and is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of General Mathematics and Mathematical Physics of Tver State University, he also works at Dubna University. Two Ph.D. theses and a number of diplomas were defended under his supervision. He is a co-author of over 150 papers in domestic and foreign journals, scientific collections and conference proceedings.
Edik Artashevich was awarded the departmental badge of distinction in the work “Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry”; the Certificate of Honor in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of JINR; the commemorative medal on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia; JINR’s Honorary Diploma; JINR’s Certificate of Honor; he has the title of “Honorary Fellow of JINR”. He enjoys well-deserved authority and respect among his colleagues.
In his youth, Edik Artashevich was keen on different sports, including wrestling, he is a chess lover and played for the LCTA team. At present, he is fond of swimming and goes to the “Archimedes” swimming pool almost every day.
Edik Artashevich’s family plays a cardinal role in his life. He brought up four children of his brother perfectly. All four received higher education, and the eldest, Alexander, defended his Ph.D. thesis at MLIT JINR at the end of 2020. Edik Artashevich is proud of his granddaughter Sofia and his grandson Stepan, with whom he tries to spend his spare time.

We sincerely congratulate Edik Artashevich on his anniversary and wish him good health, mutual understanding among his family members, prosperity, inexhaustible energy and joyful events.

Directorate of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies,
JINR Directorate, colleagues and friends