STC Announcement

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
MLIT Conference Hall, Online via Webex

MLIT STC meeting will be held in a hybrid format: at the MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webex

1. The report on the work plans of the sector No. 5 (Scientific Division of Computational Physics) will be presented by A. M. Khvedelidze
2. Elections for the posts:
  • Head of the sector A.M. Khvedelidze is being elected for the position of head of the sector. V.V. Korenkov will represent the candidate.
  • Junior researcher V. Svozilik is being elected for the position of researcher. V.V. Korenkov will represent the candidate.
  • Software engineer D.I. Priakhina is being elected for the position of researcher. V.V. Korenkov will represent the candidate.
  • Software engineer I.S. Pelevanyuk is being elected for the position of researcher. V.V. Korenkov will represent the candidate.
  • Senior researcher A.A. Gusev is being elected for the position of leading researcher. A.M. Khvedelidze will represent the candidate.
  • Senior researcher A.V. Stadnik is being elected for the position of senior researcher. D.V. Podgainy will represent the candidate.
  • Software engineer Yu.A. Butenko is being elected for the position of junior researcher. D.V. Podgainy will represent the candidate.
Seminars of employees selected for scientific positions: 3. Miscellaneous.

Voting procedure: for those present in person in the usual way via ballots, for those joining remotely via Indico by key NTSLIT12052021.
Voting will be available on May 26 from 15-00.
Connect to Webex meeting
Meeting number (access code): 137 506 6663
Meeting password: Qheb3naqu26.
Connect using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business
If you have any questions, write, please, to Oksana Streltsova or Phones: 8-985-386-1040.