
XXV Summer School for Young Scientists and Specialists (Lipnya-2021)

The JINR Association for Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) announces the XXV Summer School for Young Scientists and Specialists from 16 to 18 July 2021 (Lipnya-2021).

Young scientists and specialists under 35 are invited to participate in the School.

The working language of the event is Russian.

Registration is open from 6 to 9 July.

Ask your questions by mail or social networks: VKontakte and Facebook.

Please note that in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19, only those who provide documents confirming the passage of preventive vaccinations (certificate of vaccination, preventive vaccinations, vaccination passport) with the first component or a single-component vaccine against COVID-19 will be allowed to participate in the school, either a medical opinion on contraindications for prophylactic vaccination against COVID-19 or laboratory confirmation of the presence of immunoglobulin G (Ig 20), recorded no later than 16/04/2021.
