
GRID-2021: a fresh look and exchange of ideas

From 5 to 9 July, the JINR Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies (MLIT) hosted the traditional conference "Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education" (GRID-2021). The conference is held every two years, but last year it did not take place for all known reasons. This year, working in a mixed format, the conference brought together 239 participants from 19 countries. 25 plenary lectures were read, 99 reports were presented at parallel sections, 3 round tables were held.

Opening the conference, MLIT Director V.V. Korenkov greeted the audience in the laboratory conference hall and gave the floor to the online participants. The first colleagues were greeted by the Dean of the Faculty of CMC MSU, Director of the Federal Research Center FIT "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician I. A. Sokolov, who emphasized that “this is a very interesting conference that always raises important and interesting questions. The CMC faculty and our institute have always participated and, I hope, will participate in it now." Academician A. I. Avetisyan, Director of the RAS Institute for System Programming, began with history, recalling the importance of Nikolai Nikolaevich Govorun's personality for the team of their institute, for himself personally and, of course, for JINR.

In the conference hall the guests were greeted by I. B. Semenov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", ITER), I. G. Chernykh (Siberian Supercomputer Center of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS), A. B. Degtyarev (St. Petersburg State University ), A.K. Kiryanov (PNPI), S.D.Valentey (Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov), representatives of companies - long-term partners and reliable sponsors of the conference. The first presentation of the conference was the report of JINR Director G.V. Trubnikov “Strategic plan for the long-term development of JINR”. He began by reporting that the CPR had approved the decision of the Academic Council on the assignment of the Laboratory of Information Technologies named after M.G. Meshcheryakov. “For our Institute, this conference is part of a strategic development plan. The mission of LIT is the development of networks, information technologies and computer infrastructure of JINR to ensure a variety of research in the Institute and the participating countries."
