Scientific Seminar of the Consortium Wednesday, November 17, 2021 Online Dear Colleagues, Consortium "Network and cloud technologies" inform you about the upcoming event: On Wednesday, November 17 at 17:00, a scientific seminar of the Consortium in the online format will take place, at which Orlova M.A. (MPEI) will report on the results of research on the materials based on the PhD thesis. Abstract project. Dissertation topic: РАЗРАБОТКА МЕТОДА ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ КОРПОРАТИВНЫХ БЕСПРОВОДНЫХ ЛОКАЛЬНЫХ ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫХ СЕТЕЙ, ОБСЛУЖИВАЮЩИХ ТРАФИК РЕАЛЬНОГО ВРЕМЕНИ Applicant: Orlova Margarita Andreevna Supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Abrosimov Leonid Ivanovich. Connect to Zoom seminar Meeting ID: 831 8515 1030 Passcode: 6212020