
Pose R.G. "German Scientists and Specialists in the Soviet Atomic Project: Documents, Comments, Memoirs"

Dear colleagues,
in the Brief Review of Topmost Scientific Results obtained in 2021 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, published in February 2022, among other publications of JINR staff, the book by Pose R.G. "German Scientists and Specialists in the Soviet Atomic Project: Documents, Comments, Memoirs." ( M., 2021. — 279 p.: ill. — Bibliogr.: p. 267–279. — ISBN 978-5-907352-77-3) was noted.

One type of reparation deliveries from defeated Germany to the Soviet Union after the end of World War II was the involvement of German scientists and specialists in work on the Soviet atomic project (SAP). Author of this book set himself the task of following the work and life of these German scientists and specialists in the Soviet Union. Doing so, author mainly relies on a collection of documents published during 1998-2010 and edited by the former Deputy Minister of the Atomic Industry of the Russian Federation Lev Dmitrievich Ryabev, supplementing them with other documents, memories of participants in those events and their own memories.

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The book presentation took place on January 24, 2022 at the conference "Mathematics. Computer. Education".