
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
MLIT Conference Hall, Online seminar via Webex
Bashashin M.

Computer simulation of some physical systems using parallel programming technologies

For some models of physical systems, using MPI and (or) OpenMP technologies, parallel computational schemes and computer programs have been developed that significantly decrease the time of numerical research in computations on multiprocessor (multi-core) computing architectures, including the HybriLIT platform. Numerical results are presented to confirm the efficiency of parallel implementations of: 1. simulation the magnetization reversal effect in φ0-junctions in a wide range of parameters; 2. nucleus-nucleus scattering modelling based on the microscopic double folding potential; 3. calculation of parameters of polydisperse vesicular systems from small-angle scattering data.

More information on the seminar and the link to connect via Webex are available at Indico.
Hnatics S.

Development of Scientific Software for the MPD Experiment at NICA Collider

Mpdroot is an offline software framework for the simulation, reconstruction and physics analyses of simulated or experimental data for the MPD experiment. The conclusions drawn from MPDRoot's complexity analysis and performance measurements are laid out. Necessary work done on the improvement of the overall quality of the software development process, such as assignment of responsibilities, code restructuralization and quality control, is shown. New developments in the unified build and deployment system along with their impact on the end user are demonstrated. The concept of the near future development strategy for a stable technological innovation of the backend reconstruction engine, i.e., Interface Model Based Test Driven Development, is presented.

More information on the seminar and the link to connect via Webex are available at Indico.