MLIT participation in a workshop NICA-2022 The international online seminar on methods of data analysis and processing in experiments at the NICA Accelerator Complex (NICA-2022) was held on december 13–15, 2022. The seminar was organized jointly by NRNU MEPhI and JINR. The event is unique in its format since it brought together theoreticians and experimentalists involved in the data analysis and in the preparation of new experiments: namely BM@N (“Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron”) and MPD (“Multipurpose Detector”) at the NICA Accelerator Complex. More than 100 scientists from around the world took part in the seminar. MLIT staff peoples made their presentations on computer support of experiments at the Nuclotron-NICA Accelerator Complex. Dmitry Podgainy made a presentation "Use of SС "Govorun" for tasks of the NICA mega project". Igor Pelevanyuk spoke about the "Use of distributed computing resources by NICA with DIRAC". The publication of seminar proceedings is planned in the journal MDPI Particles. According to most participants, the seminar was very successful and can be considered the main international seminar on relativistic nuclear physics, which took place in Russia in 2022. It was decided to organize a similar seminar in 2023. More...