
Congratulations to Vladimir Vladimirovich Palichik!

On 3 March 2023, Vladimir Vladimirovich Palichik, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the the Scientific and Technical Department of Software and Information Support of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies (MLIT) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates his 70th anniversary.

In 1975, after graduating from Chisinau State University, V.V. Palchik came to work at JINR, first in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, and since 1980 in MLIT (LCTA). In 1983 V.V. Palchik successfully defended his PhD thesis "Self-consistent description of collective excitations in nuclei".

V.V. Palchik was engaged in the development of mathematical software for a number of physical experiments: data analysis programs in a cycle of experiments on the study of positrons and electrons channeling in single crystals (CRYSTAL installation) and the search for enchanted particles (BIS-2 installation) at the Serpukhov accelerator U-70. He is a co-author of the geometric event reconstruction program for the EKSCHARM experiment on the study of enchanted particles and narrow baryon resonances. Led the work on creating a program using neural networks to improve the efficiency of geometric reconstruction of events recorded in the EKSCHARM experiment.

Since 1994, V.V. Palchik has been actively involved in the CMS experiment at CERN. He carried out research on the energy resolution and radiation resistance of the hadron calorimeter, reconstruction of physical events in the muon system, as well as research on the possibility of searching for new calibration bosons. Being a highly qualified specialist, he owns modern mathematical methods of modeling and data processing of physical experiments. Since 2010, he has been co-head of the CMS CSC DPG group at CERN.
Over the past 5 years, V.V. Palchik is the author and co-author of more than 500 scientific publications.

V.V. Palchik was awarded the 2nd JINR Prize for 1990 for his work "Observation of narrow baryonians in BIS-2 experiments". According to the results of the work of 2021, in collaboration with colleagues, he was awarded the JINR Incentive Award for the work “Test of the Standard Model and search for new physics in the Dimuon Final State with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider".
For conscientious work Vladimir Vladimirovich was awarded the departmental badge of distinction in the work "Veteran of nuclear Energy and Industry",JIINR's Honorary diploma and a Certificate of Honor. Vladimir Vladimirovich enjoys well-deserved authority and respect among the staff of the Laboratory, Institute.and his colleagues from Russian and foreign research centers.

We congratulate Vladimir Vladimirovich on his anniversary and wish him health, success in scientific activity,as well as in his interests related to hiking and trips, well-being and happiness in his personal life.

Directorate of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR Directorate, colleagues and friends
