Thursday, March 23, 2023 15:00 MLIT Room 310 Martin BuresQuantum Algorithms for Systems of Linear Equations Abstract: The report will provide an overview of several quantum algorithms. On the example of the Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd (HHL) algorithm for solving systems of linear equations, we discuss the issues of current noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (NISQ) and analyze the arguments in favor of using variational quantum algorithms. A. G. Soloviev, T. M. SolovjevaData Analysis With Parallel Tools of the ROOT Package Abstract: Modern experiments in the field of high energy physics generate very large amounts of data. Therefore, software modernization requires approaches that use both ordinary computers and high-performance servers and multi-core computing platforms with equal efficiency. The new ROOT component, RDataFrame, is a declarative parsing tool that allows you to concisely and effectively describe programming models. Parallelization is built into the RDataFrame core and is implemented using an implicit multithreading mechanism that separates the actual event loop into separate pieces of data and processes them in different tasks. The effectiveness of new parallelization tools implemented in the ROOT software package is shown. A. G. Soloviev, T. M. Solovjeva, A. I. Kuklin, M. BalashovDevelopment of a Web Application for Fitting the Data of a Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer Abstract: Currently, one of the most promising direction in software development is the use of web technologies that provide the user with a wide range of opportunities in the processing of experimental data. Our work is devoted to the modernization of the software of the small-angle scattering spectrometer YuMO FLNP JINR. Analysis of the structure of matter using the method of small-angle neutron scattering goes through several stages. At the first stage of this analysis, the shape of particles, which include molecules in solution, volumetric defects in crystalline substances, pores in various porous materials, is approximated by simple geometric bodies - spheres, ellipsoids, cylinders, prisms. Function vectorization and multithreading implemented in the ROOT package used to develop the necessary functions of a web application provide high performance computing.