Tuesday, April 4, 2023 15:00 MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webinar MLIT STC extended meeting will be held in a hybrid format: in the MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webinar Agenda 1. Presentation of the projects and activities of the theme «Methods, Algorithms and Software for Modeling Physical Systems, Mathematical Processing and Analysis of Experimental Data»: S.V. Shmatov. Presentation of the project «Mathematical Methods and Software for Experimental Data Modeling, Processing and Analysis» E.V. Zemlyanaya. Presentation of the project «Methods of Computational Physics for Complex Systems Research». P.V. Zrelov. Presentation of the activity «Intelligent Control of Technological Processes and Physics Facilities at JINR». O.I. Streltsova. Presentation of the activity on educational work 2. Miscellaneous. The link to connect is available.