Tuesday, May 23, 2023 15:00 MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webinar MLIT STC meeting will be held in a hybrid format: in the MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webinar Agenda 1. Elections for a position: Junior researcher A.V. Volokhova is being elected for the position of senior researcher. E.V. Zemlyanaya will represent the candidate. Senior researcher A.G. Soloviev is being elected for the position of senior researcher. V.V. Ivanov will represent the candidate. Senior researcher T.M. Solovieva is being elected for the position of senior researcher. P.V. Zrelov will represent the candidate Researcher D.A. Baranov is being elected for the position of researcher. P.V. Zrelov will represent the candidate. Researcher M.A. Mineev is being elected for the position of researcher. P.V. Zrelov will represent the candidate. 2. Miscellaneous. The link to connect is available at Indico. Connect to the Webinar conference https://events.webinar.ru/28441625/928178209