
Congratulations to Mikhail Stanislavovich Plyashkevich

On 16 June 2023, Mikhail Stanislavovich Plyashkevich, Deputy Director for General Affairs of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, celebrates his 50th birthday.

In 1996, Mikhail Stanislavovich Plyashkevich graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in Electronics and Automation of Physical Facilities. In the same year, he entered full-time postgraduate study at the JINR University Center. After graduation, he was hired by LIT JINR as a software engineer. From 1997 to 2003, M. S. Plyashkevich worked part-time at Dubna University as an assistant and lecturer at the Department of Distributed Information and Computing Systems.

From January 2001 to January 2014, M. S. Plyashkevich was a leading software specialist and then the head of the Department of Information Technologies at Bereg–Stolitsa LLC.

In February 2014, Mikhail Stanislavovich started working at MLIT JINR as Assistant Director for Innovation Projects. The procurement activity of the Laboratory, which began in those years, fell on his shoulders; it was associated with the development of the innovative project “Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex”. Various information systems to support the activities of the Laboratory were developed with his active participation.

In 2022, Mikhail Stanislavovich was transferred to the position of MLIT Deputy Director for General Affairs. He is actively involved in the implementation of repair and construction work in the MLIT building and manages the MLIT Scientific and Supply Division for providing access to the Internet. He proved himself to be a competent leader, successfully solving issues of financial and economic support, logistics, improving the organization of labor and management. His talent as an organizer and caring attitude towards people were fully demonstrated during COVID-19.

The characteristic features of Mikhail Stanislavovich are high responsibility for the task assigned, the ability to organize the work of the team, diligence, creative attitude to work, goodwill.

Mikhail Stanislavovich pays a lot of attention and time to his family, together with his wife raises two sons. He conveys to them his love for various sports, which he himself is actively involved in.

Dear Mikhail Stanislavovich! We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you good health, energy and success in your work, well-being, mutual understanding and happiness in family life. All the very best to you!

Directorate of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR Directorate, colleagues and friends