International IT School taking place in Vladikavkaz On 15 June, an official opening of the V International Summer School for Young Scientists “Modern information technologies for solving scientific and applied problems” took place. The School is being held from 15 to 17 June at North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov (NOSU, Vladikavkaz) at the JINR Information Centre in the south of Russia. The School’s programme includes lectures on the JINR Digital Ecosystem and developing information technologies for solving scientific problems. Participants will learn about distributed computing for data processing, the organization of databases in large scientific experiments. In addition, a block of materials about JINR projects was prepared for young scientists. They will learn about the structure of the NICA Complex and the «Govorun» supercomputer. Besides, the programme includes workshops on creating virtual reality projects and using automated systems in applied tasks. Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR Vladimir Korenkov highlighted that presentations by eight university students would be the main feature of the event. The presentations are about the scientific results achieved by the students in IT projects as part of participation in the NICA Megascience Project. “It is highly important that all the events held by JINR at NOSU have started to develop into real scientific achievements. This shows that more and more young specialists are getting involved in work on the JINR topic,” Vladimir Korenkov said. JINR and NOSU will present joint projects. Participants will be told about computer calculations for the SPD detector, mathematical modeling for solving applied problems of the Institute, the development of plugins for the JINR website, machine learning. The main task of the School is to introduce participants to modern methods of solving applied problems at the latest computing architectures using parallel programming technologies. Young scientists will learn about modern methods and tools of data analysis, machine learning, deep learning and gain practical experience in solving applied problems in areas connected to various aspects of mega-projects, data science tasks. More...