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The Twelfth National Supercomputer Forum (NSCF-2023)

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - Friday, December 1, 2023      Program Systems Institute of the RAS     Pereslavl-Zalessky,Russia

The Twelfth National Supercomputer Forum (NSCF-2023) will be held in a hybrid mode from November 28 to December 01, 2023. The plenary session November 28 will be held in person, sections will be held mainly online. Reports from the plenary session will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the organizing committee, which will give everyone the opportunity to connect and watch the broadcast.

The NSCF is dedicated to the creation and application of HPC technologies, supported by the Department of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies of the RAS.

National Supercomputing Forum (NSCF) traditionally takes place in the last week of November each year at the Program Systems Institute of the RAS (Pereslavl-Zalessky). At the moment, the NSCF is one of the largest HPC events in Russia.

NSCF invites to participate
  • supercomputers developers, system and applied software engineers;
  • grid and cloud technology and service developers;
  • representatives of Russian HPC centers;
  • postgraduate students and young scientists working in HPC sphere;
  • HPC users.
NSCF format
On the platform of the National Supercomputing Forum the following events are held:
  • Research and practice conference;
  • The Exhibition of HPC hardware and software components;
  • A series of tutors and workshops;
  • A series of round table discussions;
  • A media-tour.

To participate in the scientific and practical conference, you must submit an application for participation by 17:00 on October 06, 2023 by uploading the abstracts of your report to the site, through the participant form at My account. Further, the authors will have the opportunity to finalize the text of the report in compliance with all necessary conditions (more details here).

Attention! Extension of the deadline for submitting reports
Due to the fact that not everyone had time to prepare and upload their abstracts on time, the organizing committee decided to go to the meeting and extend the deadline for submitting reports to the scientific and practical conference within the framework of the NSKF-2023 until October 16, 2023 (inclusive).
At this stage, until 17:00 on 10/16/2023, it is necessary to submit a PDF with a description of the report: any volume, any content (full article, abstract or full article with pieces "...the section will be completed later ..."), any formatting is at the discretion of the authors. There is one goal here: the PDF should convince the program committee to include the report in the Forum Program.
Further, the authors will have the opportunity to finalize the text of the report in compliance with all necessary conditions.

If you want to submit a report for a specific section, we ask you to select a section from the drop-down list when uploading the report or specify the section name in the comments to the report file, this will greatly facilitate the work of the Program Committee.
Detailed information about the rules for submission, selection and publication of papers for the NSCF-2023 conference can be found at: https://2023.nscf.ru/nauchno-prakticheskaya-konferenciya / or download as PDF.

Registration fee

The registration fee for personal participation is 3,000 rubles. It includes: an intracity transfer between hotel and venue place, the lunch for participants on 28 of November, buffet at the end of the day, as well as the opportunity to use the scheduled transfer from Moscow on 27 of November and back to Moscow on 28 and 29 of November; Handouts are also included.
For online speakers the registration fee is 1000 rubles.
Students and graduate students will be provided a 50% discount on the payment of the registration fee upon submission of supporting documents.
Participation in the event online as a listener is free.

Working languages of the Forum: Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation is not provided.

Main dates:

27 November 2023 – Arrival day;
28 November 2023 – Plenar session (in person), leaving to Moscow at the end of the day;
29 November 2023 – Online thematical sections;
30 November 2023 – Online thematical sections;
01 December 2023 – Online thematical sections.

NSCF program.
Participation registration.
Main links.

ANO «National Supercomputing Forum»; Program Systems Institute of the RAS; National Supercomputing Technological Platform (NSTP)