
The Ph.D. degree diplomas were awarded at the JINR

On November 21, a ceremonial presentation of diplomas for the award of scientific degrees took place at the JINR. Three Ph.D degree holders became their diplomas, whose defenses took place in dissertation councils DLNP, FLNP and MLIT at JINR. Among them is the MLIT employee Aleksandrov Evgeniy Igorevich, who was awarded the Ph.D academic degree of Technical Sciences based on the results of defending his dissertation on the topic “Development of specialized databases and information systems for experimental high-energy physics” in specialty 2.3.5: “Mathematics and Software for Computing Systems, Complexes and Computer Networks " The defense took place at the dissertation council of LIT on information technology and computational physics.

We congratulate Alexandrov Evgeny Igorevich on receiving his PhD degree diploma and wish him new scientific achievements!

