PRUE students and lyceum students at JINR On 06-07 December 2023, the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies held a seminar “Research Activities of JINR” for second-year students of the Special Faculty of Talented Youth “Foresight Higher School”, as well as for third- and fourth-year students of the Higher School of Cyber Technologies, Mathematics and Statistics of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), and on 12 December 2023, MLIT hosted students of the PRUE Economic Lyceum. The students and the lyceum students were welcomed by MLIT Scientific Leader V.V. Korenkov, who is also the head of PRUE’s Scientific Laboratory “Cloud Technologies and Big Data Analytics”. He spoke about the major directions of MLIT activities and modern IT technologies for solving scientific and applied tasks. The lecture by M.I. Zuev (MLIT) was devoted to tasks solved on the “Govorun” supercomputer. I.S. Pelevanyuk and M.I. Zuev gave a tour of the JINR Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex. At the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, the students and the lyceum students met with VBLHEP researchers D.K. Dryablov, A.A. Terekhin, A.A. Aparin. They told them about the NICA flagship project with enthusiasm: what the accelerator complex under construction embraces, what makes it unique, and what experiments are planned to be performed on it. Within the seminar, the students and the lyceum students visited the interactive exhibition “JINR Basic Facilities” where Yu.A. Panebrattsev, the head of the VBLHEP Scientific and Experimental Department of Heavy Ion Physics at RHIC, delivered an informative lecture on physics, and N.E. Sidorov (VBLHEP) and T.E. Strokovskaya (UC) enlarged upon the history of JINR, the major facilities of the Laboratories, their significance in the modern world. Thanks to the interactive models presented in the exhibition, the students and the lyceum students managed to look inside all the Laboratories of the Institute and immerse in the atmosphere of ongoing experiments. Additional lectures and tutorials were held for the students within the seminar. I.S. Pelevanyuk (MLIT) gave a lecture on computing in science, and A.V. Uzhinskiy (MLIT) devoted his talk to machine learning in applied tasks solved at MLIT and conducted a tutorial “Google Earth Engine for geospatial data analysis on a planetary scale”. The students gained new impressions and knowledge that would become useful in future education. Photos: Igor Lapenko, Alexey Vorontsov, Nurzada Saktaganov