
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Конференц-зал ЛИТ, Онлайн семинар в Webinar
I. Filozova, G. Shestakova, A. Kondratyev, A. Bondyakov, T. Zaikina, I. Nekrasova

JINR Repository of scientific publications on the DSpace platform (trial operation)


The JINR Open Access Archive (repository) on the DSpace platform consist thematic communities and collections with various types of scientific documents. The repository is organized by Open Access principles as part of the JINR digital ecosystem ( Repository support English and Russian languages. The full texts and other materials stored at the repository comply with the open Creative Commons Attribution CC Attribution (CC BY) license.
The pilot version of the repository will be presented and its main capabilities will be demonstrated.

Сonnecting to Webinar.

Information on the seminar and the link to connect are available at Indico.