
The «BASIS» Foundation announced the competitions for research grants

Dear colleagues!

The BASIS Foundation announced the research grants competitions "Leader" and "Junior Leader" for research groups consisting of a leading scientist and young researchers conducting theoretical research in the field of fundamental physics and mathematics in Russia. Application deadline: March 21, 2024.

Applications for the "PostDoc", "Junior PostDoc" and "PhD Student" research grant competitions are also being accepted for individual scientists: candidates of science, graduate students and young scientists without a degree conducting theoretical research in the field of fundamental physics. Application deadline: April 25, 2024.

Grants can be received:

  • "Leader" - a leading scientist-supervisor (doctors or candidates of sciences ) and young participants: candidates of sciences, graduate students or scientists without a degree, students
  • "Junior Leader" - a leading academic leader (age no more than 49 years, doctors or candidates of sciences ) and young participants: graduate students or scientists without a degree and students
  • "PostDoc" - doctors or candidates of sciences (age not more than 35 years)
  • "Junior PostDoc" - candidates of sciences (age no more than 33 years)
  • "PhD Student" - graduate students or young scientists without a degree (age no more than 29 years)

The poster of the contest
