
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
MLIT Room 310, Online seminar via Webinar

General Laboratory seminar

  1. Alexander Moibenko

    Enstore at JINR. Status and prospects


    Enstore is a multi-Petabyte scale tape based Mass Storage System for High Energy Physics Experiments and other scientific endeavors. It has been designed to permit to scale to hundreds of petabytes of storage capacity, manage tens of terabytes per day in data transfers, support hundreds of users, and maintain data integrity. Enstore can be used for data storage needs of any scale, for different kinds of enterprises. The Enstore architecture allows easy addition and replacement of hardware and software сomponents.
    Enstore after reconfiguration is presented. Configuration changes are considered. Details are discussed. The work done to convert the source code from Python2 to Python3 is described. The upcoming work on the conversion is outlined.

  2. Sara Shadmehri

    Nonseparable Schrödinger equation in Discrete Variable Representation


    To treat quantum dynamical problems which involve nonseparable angular variables, a non-direct product discrete variable representation (npDVR) is developed by constructing the DVR basis on spherical functions orthogonalized on the grids of Lebedev or Popov quadratures for the unit sphere. The superiority of this method is presented by applying this scheme to the problem of hydrogen atom in crossed static electric and magnetic fields and also the time-dependent problem of an atom in strong elliptically polarized laser field. Moreover, the developed npDVR computational scheme allowed us to investigate subtle nondipole effects in the interaction of an atom with a laser field while including the nonseparability of the center-of-mass and relative motion variables in this problem.

  3. Сonnecting to Webinar.
    Information about the seminar and the link to join are available at Indico.