Provisions on LIT stipends for young scientists

Provision on LIT stipends named after M.G. Meshcheryakov for young scientists

In order to perpetuate the memory of the outstanding scientist, organizer and first director of LVTA / LIT, a stipend named after M.G. Meshcheryakov was established at LIT JINR. The stipend is awarded to LIT employees working in the field of mathematical support for experimental and theoretical physics in order to stimulate the scientific work of young scientists.
  1. Stipends are awarded annually in two sections:
    • mathematical methods in elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, and biology;
    • computational methods.
  2. The size of the stipend is 50% of the salary per month. The stipend is awarded for 1 year, starting in April of the current year, to young employees whose age at the time of the competition does not exceed 35 years. For each section, one stipend is awarded. The size of the stipend and the number of stipends for each of the sections can be revised by a joint decision of the LIT Directorate and the jury.
  3. Applicants for stipends submit until February 15 of the current year applications for participation in the competition with a list of published works for the last 5 years, a brief annotation of works reflecting the personal contribution of the applicant to these works. The recommendation of the head of the scientific department in which the applicant works is attached to the documents.
  4. Documents for participation in the competition are accepted by the LIT Scientific Secretary.
  5. To award stipends by order of the Director of LIT no later than February 10 of the current year, a jury of 7 persons is created.
  6. The decision to award tipends is taken at a meeting by secret ballot. The jury is competent to make a decision if 2/3 of the list of jury members are present at the meeting. The decision is considered adopted if a majority voted for it.
  7. The decision of the jury comes into force after its approval by the Director of LIT.
  8. The decision to award them stipends named after M.G. Meshcheryakov is published in the institute's newspaper.

Note: this "PROVISION" was approved by the Director of LIT JINR, V.V. Ivanov, June 9, 2007

Provision on stipends named N.N. Govorun for young scientists

 In order to perpetuate the memory of the outstanding scientist, a stipend named after N.N. Govorun was established at LIT JINR. The stipend is awarded to the LIT staff working in the field of information, computer and network support for the activities of JINR, in order to stimulate scientific and methodological work.
  1.  Stipends are awarded annually in two sections:
    • software information systems, databases and data processing systems;
    •  development and modernization of the JINR network information and computing infrastructure.
  2. The size of the stipend is 50% of the salary per month. The stipend is awarded for 1 year, starting in April of the current year, to young employees whose age at the time of the competition does not exceed 35 years. For each section, one stipend is awarded. The size of the stipend and the number of scholarships for each of the sections can be revised by a joint decision of the LIT Directorate and the jury.
  3. Applicants for stipends submit by February 15 of the current year applications for participation in the competition with a brief summary of the work, reflecting the personal contribution of the applicant to the work, a list of published works over the past 5 years. The documents are accompanied by the recommendation of the head of the department (sector) in which the applicant works.
  4. Documents for participation in the competition are accepted by the LIT Scientific Secretary.
  5. To award stipends by order of the Director of LIT no later than February 10 of the current year, a jury of 7 persons is created.
  6. The decision to award stipends is taken at a meeting by secret ballot. The jury is competent to make a decision if 2/3 of the list of jury members are present at the meeting. The decision is considered adopted if a majority voted for it.
  7. The decision of the jury comes into force after its approval by the Director of LIT.
  8.  The decision to award them stipends named after N.N. Govorun is published in the institute's newspaper.

Note: this "PROVISION" was approved by the Director of LIT JINR, V.V. Ivanov, June 9, 2007