Publications 2017

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Articles of LIT employees in the scientific journals "Physics of Particles and Nuclei" and "Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters"

  1. Makhaldiani N.. Renormdynamics of Coupling Constants and Masses Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 48, issue 5, p. 684
  2. Palichik V., Voytishin N. New CSC Segment Builder Algorithm with Monte Carlo TeV Muons in CMS Experiment. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 48, issue 5, p. 685
  3. Sobolev Yu. G., Penionzhkevich Yu. E., Aznabaev D., Zemlyanaya E. V., Ivanov M. P., Kabdrakhimova G. D., Kabyshev A. M., Knyazev A. G., Kugler A., Lashmanov N. A., Lukyanov K. V., Maj A., Maslov V. A., Mendibayev K., Skobelev N. K., Slepnev R. S., Smirnov V. I., Testov D. A. . Experimental Research of Total Reaction Cross-Section Energy Dependence for 6He + natSi and 9Li + natSi (rus). Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 48, issue 6, p. 871-878
  4. Derenovskaya O., Kurilkin P., Gusakov Yu., Ivanov V., Ladygin V., Ladygina N., Malakhov A., Peshekhonov V., Zinchenko A. Study of Compressed Baryonic Matter at FAIR: JINR Participation . Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 48, issue 6, p. 895
  5. Bednyakov I.V., Dolbilov A.G., Ivanov Yu.P. The LGD JINR Cluster Modernization to Provide LNP Experiments (rus). Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 14, No.1(206). P. 125-132
  6. N. Makhaldiani Renormdynamics, discrete Dyinamics and Quanputers. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 14, No.2(207). P. 248
  7. Ablyazimov T. O., Ivanov V. V. Fast Reconstruction of Trajectories of Charged Muons Recorded by the MUCH Detector in the CBM Experiment (rus). Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 14, No.3(208). P. 287-298
  8. Иванов В. В., Крянев А. В., Осетров Е. С. Forecasting the Daily Electricity Consumption in the Moscow Region Using Artificial Neural Networks (rus). Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 14, No.4(209). P. 418-432
  9. Adamczewski-Musch J., Akishin P., Becker K.-H., Belogurov S., Bendarouach J., Boldyreva N., Deveaux C., Dobyrn V., Dürr M., Eschke J., Förtsch J., Heep J., Höhne C., Kampert K.-H., Khanzadeev A., Kochenda L., Kopfer J., Kravtsov P., Kres I., Lebedev S., Lebedeva E., Leonova E., Linev S., Mahmoud T., Niebur W., Ovcharenko E., Patel V., Pauly C., Penschuck M., Pfeifer D., Querchfeld S., Rautenberg J., Reinecke S., Riabov Y., Roshchin E., Samsonov V., Schetinin V., Tarasenkova O., Traxler M., Ugur C., Vznuzdaev M. Tests of the CBM rich readout and DAQ prototype. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 14, No.6(211). P. 637-638

Preprints of LIT employees

  1. Dolya S. N., Sarkhadov I. Calculation of High-Current Linear Proton Accelerator with an Energy of 80 MeV . Preprint.P9-2017-13
  2. Derenovskaya О. Yu., Ivanov V. V., Ogorodnikova D. S. J/Ψ → e+e– Decays Selection Criteria for Au + Au Collisions at 10A GeV in the CBM Experiment . Preprint.P10-2017-21
  3. Lenivenko V. V., Palichik V. V. Reconstruction of Charged Particle Trajectories in Multiwire Proportional Chambers at the BM@N Experiment . Preprint.P1-2017-26
  4. Кiselev М. А., Zemlyanaya E. V., Gruzinov A. Yu., Zhabitskaya E. I., Ipatova O. M., Aksenov V. L. Analysis of Vesicular Structure of Nanoparticles in the Phospholipid Based Drug Delivery System using SAXS Data . Preprint.P3-2017-32
  5. Yuldasheva M. B., Yuldashev O.I. Boundary Least-Squares Method with 3D Harmonic Basis of a High Order for Solving Linear Div-Curl Systems . Preprint.P11-2017-67
  6. Yuldasheva M. B., Yuldashev O.I. Application of Harmonic Basis of a High Order for Solving Some Magnetostatic Problems . Preprint.E11-2017-68

Other publications

  1. Korenkov V.V., Podgainy D.V., Streltsova O.I. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ON HPC TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON THE HETEROGENEOUS CLUSTER HYBRILIT (LIT JINR). International scientific journal "Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education" (ISSN 2411-1473). 2017, Volume 13, N 4