Publications 2021

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Articles of MLIT employees in the scientific journals "Physics of Particles and Nuclei" and "Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters"

  1. Zinchenko D. A., Zinchenko A. I., Nikonov E. G. Vector Finder – A Toolkit for Track Finding in the MPD Experiment. Abstracts. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 1(233). P. 134
  2. Kats P. B., Halenka K. V., Voskresenskaya O. O. Comparison of the Lindhard–Sørensen and Mott–Bloch Corrections to the Bethe Stopping Formula at Moderately Relativistic Energies. Abstracts. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 3(235). P. 243
  3. Kats P. B., Halenka K. V., Voskresenskaya O. O. Normalized Mott Cross Section in Different Approaches. Abstracts. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 3(235). P. 244
  4. Perepelkin E. E., Sadovnikov B. I., Inozemtseva N. G., Burlakov E. V., Polyakova R. V. Effective Numerical Algorithm for Constructing the Wigner Function of a Quantum System with a Polynomial Potential in the Phase Space. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 3, P. 784-856
  5. Ivanov Val. V., Ivanov Vict. V., Kryanev A. V., Prikazchikova A. S., Tatarinov I. I. Analysis of the Features of Network Traffic in the Backbone Channel: «Zero Channel». Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 4(236). P. 394–405
  6. Zabrodin E. E., Botvina A. S., Bravina L. V., Eyyubova G. Kh., Ivanov Yu. B., Musulmanbekov G. G., Sivoklokov S. Yu., Zakharov V. I., Zhezher V. N. Study of Signals of Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions at NICA Energies Using Micro- and Macroscopic Models. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 885-886
  7. Musulmanbekov G., Zhezher V. Simulation of Nuclear Fragments in Heavy-Ion Collisions by Monte Carlo Generators. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 908
  8. Blaschke D., Friesen A. V., Kalinovsky Yu. L., Radzhabov A. E. Mott Dissociation and Kaon to Pion Ratio in the EPNJL Model. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 911-912
  9. Patsyuk M., Atovullaev T., Corsi A., Hen O., Johansson G., Kahlbow J., Lenivenko V., Merts S., Palichik V., Panin V., Petukhov Yu., Piasetzky E., Rumyantsev M., Uzikov Yu., Voytishin N. BM@N Data Analysis Aimed at Studying SRC Pairs: One-Step Single-Nucleon Knockout Measurement in Inverse Kinematics out of a 48 GeV/c 12C Nucleus. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 919-920
  10. Kapishin M., Alishina K., Batyuk P., Baranov D., Gabdrakhmanov I., Kovachev L., Maksymchuk A., Plotnikov V., Rufanov I., Stepanenko Yu.,Vasendina V., Zamiatin N., Zinchenko A., Zavertiaev M. Production of Hyperons, Strange Mesons and Search for Hypernuclei in Interactions of Carbon, Argon and Krypton Beams in the BM@N Experiment. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 919-920
  11. Zinchenko D., Zinchenko A., Nikonov E. "Development of a Vector Finder Toolkit for Track Reconstruction in MPD ITS. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 978
  12. Gertsenberger K., Alexandrov I., Filozova I., Alexandrov E., Moshkin A., Chebotov A., Mineev M., Pryahina D., Shestakova G., Yakovlev A., Nozik A., Klimai P. Development of Information Systems for Online and Offline Data Processing in the NICA Experiments. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 991-992
  13. Kutovskiy N., Mitsyn V., Moshkin A., Pelevanyuk I., Podgayny D., Rogachevsky O., Shchinov B., Trofimov V., Tsaregorodtsev A. Integration of Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Resources for the MPD Experiment with DIRAC Interware. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 999
  14. Akishina E. P., Alexandrov E. I., Alexandrov I. N., Filozova I. A., Gertsenberger K. V., Ivanov V. V. Development of a Geometry Database and Related Services for the NICA Experiments. Abstracts. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 4: Proceedings of the Conference «RFBR Grants for NICA» (Dubna, October 20–23, 2020), P. 1000-1001
  15. Musulmanbekov G. Hadron Modifications in a Dense Baryonic Matter. Abstracts. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 5(237). P. 429
  16. Ososkov G.A., Pyatkov Yu.V., Rudenko M.O. Simulation and Analysis of the Properties of Linear Structures in the Mass Distribution of Nuclear Reaction Products by Machine Learning Methods. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 5(237). P. 430-447
  17. Alexandrov E., Alexandrov I., Degtyarev A., Gertsenberger K., Filozova I., Klimai P., Nozik A., Yakovlev A. Design of the Event Metadata System for the Experiments at NICA. Abstracts. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. Vol. 18, No. 5(237). P. 502
  18. Abramov V. V., Aleshko A., Baskov V. A., Boos E., Bunichev V., Dalkarov O. D., El-Kholy R., Galoyan A., Guskov A. V., Kim V. T., Kokoulina E. S., Koop I. A., Kostenko B. F., Kovalenko A. D., Ladygin V. P., Larionov A. B., L’vov A. I., Milstein A. I., Nikitin V. A., Nikolaev N. N., Popov A. S., Polyanskiy V. V., Richard J.-M., Salnikov S. G., Shavrin A. A., Shatunov P. Yu., Shatunov Yu. M., Selyugin O. V., Strikman M. I., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Uzhinsky V. V., Uzikov Yu. N., Wang Q., Zhao Q., Zelenov A. V. Possible Studies at the First Stage of the NICA Collider Operation with Polarized and Unpolarized Proton and Deuteron Beams. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. Volume 52, issue 6, p.1392-1529

Preprints of MLIT employees

  1. Eganova I. A., Kallies W., Paraev V. V., Eganov А. Ad Disputandum: The Most Topical Scientific Ideas That Were Highlighted in Time of Coronavirus Pandemic. Preprint. D18-2021-5

Other publications

  2. To the JINR 65th anniversary. Brief review of topmost scientific results obtained in 2013 – 2020 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND COMPUTER PHYSICS. Dubna: JINR, 2021. — 107 p., ISBN 978-5-9530-0549-4
  3. JINR Long-Term Development Strategy up to 2030 and beyond. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES . Dubna: JINR, 2021. — 42 p., ISBN 978-5-9530-0551-7