Метод конечных элементов для решения эллиптических краевых задач в квантовых системах нескольких частиц
December 18, 2019
Оптимизация приведения систем разностных и полиномиальных уравнений к канонической форме
Разработка сервисов для проведения ресурсоемких расчетов на гибридных вычислительных архитектурах на гетерогенной платформе HybriLIT
Event prediction using parallel data
December 9, 2019
FEM modeling of magnetic fields in nonlinear magnetostatics problems with high aspect ratio geometries in terms of scalar potential
December 5, 2019
Description of Heavy-Ion Fragmentation Reactions in a Combined Transport and Statistical Approach
November 25, 2019
Optimization of processing techniques of measured magnetic field maps of a cyclotron
Reporting seminars of young scientists and specialists who received AYSS grants and M.G. Mescheryakov and N.N. Govorun prizes
November 19, 2019
Intel architectures and technologies for high performance computing and machine/deep learning (ML/DL) tasks
November 11, 2019
Presentation of modernized supercomputer “Govorun”
Development of a method and a set of programs for optimizing the molecular dynamics potential for chemically reactive systems
(based on the PhD thesis)
November 7, 2019
JOIN² - A Publication Database and Repository based on Invenio
November 6, 2019
Automated information system for collection, primary processing and distribution of satellite data for the analysis and the space weather forecast
(Materials of a PhD thesis)
October 25, 2019
Simulation of temperature variation inside INCDTIM Data Center by airflow control
(National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Algebraic integrals of differential equations and finite difference method
October 14, 2019
Cluster monitoring system of the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC) LIT
Particles trajectory reconstruction in the CMS experiment cathode-strip chambers and in the BM@N experiment drift chambers
October 7, 2019
Research and educational activities on the HybriLIT heterogeneous platform
Registering Rare Decays J/ψ→μ+μ- in the CBM Experiment
September 18, 2019
Finite element method for investigation of the quantum systems of several particles
September 13, 2019
An Interval-Valued Image Based Approach for Edge Detection
Warning! Seminar was cancelled!
Using distributed heterogeneous computing resources with DIRAC interware for JINR use-cases
September 11, 2019
Automation of (Big) data processing at LIT computing infrastructure for current and future JINR’s experiments
Lattice QCD multiGPU simulation on HybriLIT cluster
August 16, 2019
Analytical study of non-dissipative double sine-Gordon equation
July 29, 2019
Scientific Software math_on_paper like
July 19, 2019
Orthonormal Polynomials Approximation of Different Types of Silver Nanoparticles Spectroscopic Data
July 3, 2019
A Tree-Point Grid Based Polynomial Prediction
June 18, 2019
June 14, 2019
On possibility of observing quark oscillator excitations in deuteron nucleus
May 14, 2019
GPU-Implementation of the Partition Method for Solving Tridiagonal SLAEs
April 25, 2019
Software complex for managing the processing of data of the physical experiment COMPASS
April 23, 2019
The use of parallel computing technologies for the high performance numerical study of models of some physical systems
April 18, 2019
Linear-optical interferometer structure optimization for implementing multiphoton quantum gates
Solving the optimization problem for designing a pulsed cryogenic cell
March 12, 2019
Usage of Scopus and ScienceDirect in research
February 26, 2019
Quantum phase spaces and non-deterministic chaos of instantaneous heart rate
February 13, 2019
Quantum computing: current state and prospects for use in high energy physics
January 30, 2019
Algebraic and geometric properties of the state space of low-dimensional quantum systems
January 22, 2019
Trends and prospects of development of distributed computing and Big Data analitics to support megascience projects
January 16, 2019