MLIT General Laboratory seminar
December 15, 2023
December 14, 2023
Simulated quantum computations of charge transport in bio-nanostructures
Seminar “Theory of Condensed Matter”. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
December 11, 2023
Young scientists and specialists seminars for participants in the Competition for AYSS grants at JINR and M.G. Meshcheryakov and N.N. Govorun stipends for 2024
December 1, 2023
Interacting spinor and electromagnetic fields in cosmology
Seminar of the scientific department of computational physics
November 15, 2023
Theoretical analysis of pion-nucleus scattering at energies of the (3,3) resonance
(to be nominated for JINR Prize 2023)
November 12, 2023
Laboratory of Analytical Research (INP BSU): yesterday, today, tomorrow
November 9, 2023
Modeling the evolution of cooling of neutron stars
Seminar of the Scientific Department of Computational Physics
November 8, 2023
Methodology for managing specialized distributed computing systems based on intelligent agents
October 9, 2023
JINR Digital ecosystem: status and plans
October 4, 2023
Methods and algorithms for calculating the relativistic heavy ion ionization energy loss in matter, modeling extremely high energy electromagnetic cascades and some complex physical-chemical systems
Evolution equations for coefficients of polynomials in generalized kinematics
October 2, 2023
Application of the Hopfield network and quantum algorithms for event reconstruction in NICA megaproject experiments
September 20, 2023
Solemn seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of V.V. Korenkov
September 19, 2023
Monte-Carlo simulation of the OLVE-HERO detector
Speaker: I. Satyshev
September 4, 2023
Manifestation of the hexatic phase in confined two-dimensional systems with circular symmetry
Speaker: E.G. Nikonov
July 19, 2023
Numerical results of thermal processes occurring in materials under the action of femtosecond laser pulses
Speaker: I. Sarkhadov
July 7, 2023
On the convex structure of the set of absolutely separable states and their relation to Wigner positivity
The algorithms and software for reconstruction of charged particle trajectories in the detector systems upstream the analyzing magnet of the BM@N experiment
Speaker: E.E. Perepelkin
June 19, 2023
Application of the Hopfield network to SPD track reconstruction
Speaker: I. Kadochnikov
June 2, 2023
Software develoment for microstrip tracking detectors of the BM@N experiment
May 17, 2023
The development of a new conditions database prototype for ATLAS within the CREST project
Speaker: Mineev M.
Numerical study of the electron hydration process and the gas condensate filtration through a porous medium
Seminar of the participants of the XII Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Alushta-2023”
May 15, 2023
Development of numerical methods for solving problems of quantum mechanics based on the synthesis of stochastic and deterministic approaches
(based on the PhD thesis)
April 20, 2023
Solemn seminar dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of I.V. Puzynin
April 14, 2023
Development of specialized databases and information systems for experimental high energy physics
April 13, 2023
Construction and application of fully symmetric quadrature rules on the simplexes
Speaker: A.A. Gusev
April 7, 2023
Describing classicality of states of a finite-dimensional quantum system via Wigner function positivity
Speaker: A. Torosyan
Constructive versions of quantum mechanics
Quantum Algorithms for Systems of Linear Equations
March 17, 2023
Data Analysis With Parallel Tools of the ROOT Package
Development of a Web Application for Fitting the Data of a Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer
Multi-agent technologies for collecting, processing and visualizing unstructured data
March 16, 2023
The Event Picking Service
March 14, 2023
Development of algorithms and web services for the automation of behavioral test data analysis
Modeling of Physical Processes in Dense and Hot Nuclear Medium
January 25, 2023