Methods and simulation tools for distributed storage and processing systems of big experimental data for high-energy physics problems
(Materials of a PhD thesis)
December 19, 2018
Семинар специалистов группы компаний РСК и корпорации Intel для пользователей и администраторов суперкомпьютерных комплексов
December 17, 2018
Reconstruction, Optimization and Modeling the Experimental Data of Measuring Systems Using Step-by-Step and Combined Shifts Methods
December 13, 2018
"INFN-Tier1 at CNAF: Status and future prospects"
December 3, 2018
Quantum computing: current status and prospects for high energy physics
November 26, 2018
Численное моделирование тепловых процессов, возникающих в материалах под действием импульсных пучков ионов и одиночных ионов высоких энергий
November 25, 2018
Моделирование процессов взаимодействия тяжелых ионов и нанокластеров с конденсированными средами в рамках комбинации модели термического пика и метода молекулярной динамики
COMPASS Production System Overview
November 22, 2018
The role of the equation of state in compact star physics and phenomenology
November 14, 2018
Studies of Wigner Quasi-probability Distribution Functions
Разработка методов численного анализа закрытых электромагнитных волноводов
November 12, 2018
Символьно-численное исследование векторной модели волноводного распространения электромагнитного излучения
Исследование особенностей интернет-трафика в магистральном канале
Макроэкономическое моделирование экономик России и Монголии
July 31, 2018
The diversities of cosmic ray phenomena at high and extremely high energies and reliable energy estimation of the phenomena concerned
July 21, 2018
Speedup of interpolating spline construction
July 20, 2018
Interpolating spline based data smoothing
Numerical modeling of Josephson junction with ferromagnet layer in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
July 9, 2018
Development of a technique and a program complex for optimization of molecular dynamics potential for chemically reactive systems.
(materials of a PhD thesis)
June 28, 2018
Bayesian methods in the problem of determining the crystal structure of a substance.
Representation of solutions of the Riccati-type equations by operators of divided differences calculus
June 21, 2018
Numerical Simulations of the SPD NICA Setup
June 1, 2018
Using the Mean-Square Piecewise Approximation for Neutron Noise Analysis in the IBR-2M Reactor
(Report to the conference)
Development of remote data processing and methods of analysis of encephalography using cloud computing
(based on materials of a PhD thesis)
May 25, 2018
Information-computational support for modeling of complex heterogeneous systems using using wave probability functions
(based on materials of a doctor’s thesis)
Jubilee seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of birth of V.V. Ivanov
May 17, 2018
Application of parallelization methods implemented in the ROOT package, at software development for processing experimental data on modern computing architectures with a heterogeneous structure
May 16, 2018
Decomposition of the problem solving methods using services in a distributed computing environment
April 19, 2018
Jubilee seminar dedicated to the 80th anniversary of I.V. Puzynin
April 18, 2018
Nonparametric method of purity testing for the exponential distributions for low statistics data
March 21, 2018
Challenges for distributed computing in preparation to HL LHC
March 15, 2018
Neutron Noise Analysis using the Basic Element Method
Mathematical models of information processes in the academic community
February 26, 2018
The classification of diffraction images by type biomolecules studied in experiments on lasers with free electrons using machine training methods
Using HybriLIT cluster to speed up the calculations for machine learning tasks
February 13, 2018
Finite differences method and integration of differential equations in finite terms
Numerical modelling activities at West University of Timisoara
February 6, 2018