MLIT STC meeting will be held in a hybrid format: at the MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webex.
Dissertation defense announcement - 22.12.2021
Role of Quarks in Nuclear Structure
Computational methods of quantum chemistry and relativistic effects in the electronic structure of heavy and superheavy elements
Online-seminar "Human-Сentered Networking"
Reporting seminars of young scientists and specialists who received AYSS grants and M.G. Mescheryakov and N.N. Govorun prizes
Methods and Algorithms for Solving Resource Optimization Problems in Non-Stationary Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Environments
(based on the doctoral thesis)
Online-seminar "Quantum Networks"
Scientific Seminar of the Consortium
Spatial network proximity technologies: concept, models and algorithms, distributed systems, and services
Efficient numerical integration methods for the Cauchy problem for ODE systems with contrast structures and singularities
Scientific Seminar "Artificial Intelligence: Mathematics and Communication Networks"
Online courses on wireless technologies from IEEE ComSoc
MLIT STC meeting will be held in a hybrid format: at the MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webex
Quantum Machine Learning, A practical overview of the most anticipated NISQ potential
Big Data Methods and Technologies for solving high energy physics problemsin in a distributed computing environment
(based on the PhD thesis)
MLIT STC meeting will be held in a hybrid format: at the MLIT Conference Hall and Online in Cisco Webex
Development and creation of Event Picking Service within the ATLAS Event Index project
Seminar of the participants of the XXV International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2021)
Method for programming calculations in a hybrid cloud by the example of pairwise processing of data array elements
On the phase space formalism of finite level quantum mechanics
On the difference schemes for the many-body problem preserving all algebraic integrals
Thermodynamics and kinetics of complexes of biological molecules with low molecular compounds and inorganic materials
Seminar dedicated to the 95th birthday anniversary of E.P. Zhidkov
Solemn seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of V.V. Uzhinskiy
Demonstration of Grover's quantum algorithm on a two-qubit quantum processor. Simulation of spin dynamics on multi-qubit chains of superconducting qubits
(based on the results of the first Russian project on superconducting qubits)
Measuring intact protons at the LHC: From the odderon discovery to the search for axion-like particles
Methodology and software for integrating supercomputers into the distributed data processing system of the ATLAS experiment
Super c-tau factory: precision experiments with tau lepton and charmed hadrons
MLIT Scientific Technical Council (Online in Cisco Webex)
Constructive Study of Decompositions of Quantum Systems Into Subsystems
On the phase space formalism of quantum mechanics and its application to quantum information theory
Seminar of the participants of the poster presentations by young scientists on the 54th meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics - 24.06.2021
Joint BLTP - MLIT seminar on Quantum Computing, 25.06.2021
Methodology and software for integrating high-performance computing resources into a distributed scientific data processing system managed by PanDA WMS
Quantum Computing Using Multilevel Systems
Numerical Solution of the Cauchy Problem Based on The Basic Element Method
Seminar of the participants of the 10th Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Alushta-2021”
Dissertations defense announcement - 21.05.2021
Data center simulation and data analysis on the use of data components
Finite element method for solving boundary value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations
Integration of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources based on the DIRAC Interware
Development of information systems for theoretical and applied tasks on the basis of the HybriLIT platform
Algorithms for the automation of processing data from experiments in the field of radiobiological research
Special meeting of staff members of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies dedicated to the 65th JINR anniversary
Solemn seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of E.A. Ayryan
IT for air quality management - status and perspectives of further cooperation with JINR
Mathematical Modelling of Air Pollution – Results Verification and Future Perspective
Methods and software to decrease the number of errors in the code by reducing the programmer’s participation
Methods and algorithms for the rapid detection of hazardous states of industrial sites
Workload prediction for DIRAC distributed computing infrastructure
22-nd Workshop on Computer Algebra in memory of Professor Vladimir Gerd
Micromegas detectors production sites at the DLNP
The 9th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education" (GRID'2021)
Solemn seminar dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of T.A. Strizh
Solemn seminar dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of G.A. Ososkov
Programme of innovative radiobiological studies of JINR
Geant4 FTF model works well in nucleus-nucleus interactions at energies below 10 GeV
Offline Software and Computing for the SPD experiment
Methodology and software infrastructure for the organization of globally distributed processing of the COMPASS experiment data
(Materials of a PhD thesis)
XXVIII International Conference